project 4 part 1

what if you could choose between the fastest route and the most beautiful one. Well if I could choose I rather take the most beautiful route even though the fastest route is more quicker. On my detour I would choose to get of  my train at the stop of Nevins instead of my normal stop. The stop of Nevins is like about a 10 to 12 minute walk up to city tech college along the route is beautiful to me because you have the different retail shops and the different restaurants. even though its so many people I like the smell of the different foods and the decorations for the holidays. Along that route its so many people hustling to get to their trains and buses where as me I just walk along site seeing looking at the decorations for  the holidays. during the holidays is when I would like to take the detour and just walk I would take this detour during the time where their is not so many people, but when is that its the Fulton mall its always full of people shopping and sightseeing. that’s why I enjoy my detour of getting of the train at that stop just so I can see the all the people and the retail shops and the smell of the food and the holiday decorations which always draws me in to do a little shopping along with the people .

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