

adjective  lu·di·crous  \ ˈlü-də-krəs \
Definition :amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity
I was reading the article about  Will Self and while I was reading , I encountered a word  that I’ve heard before ,but never payed any attention to it. I knew what it sort of what It meant be never looked up the word in order for me to understand it fully. This is where i encountered the word, “We’ll, we’re only a fraction of the way there, but in terms of my longer walk, starting in London, I’m already halfway, and I can say that I am ludicrously happy. I am in a state of almost absurd satori.” The words that fist pops up to my head is “ecstatic” or “super” .  Once I went online  to fully understand the word I was partially right but wrong at the same time. Thankfully I went online , and understand the word better. An example of the word ludicrous,  When President Trump tweet’s in Twitter, he always has  to start a ludicrous topic .

1 thought on “ludicrously

  1. Jody R. Rosen

    Please remove the numbers from the subject line for these glossary entries. If you want to keep track of which number it is, use the tags! As I explained, once everyone has their entries complete and their final reflection submitted, I will collate a complete list of the glossary entries. They should be uniform in their titles: just the word!


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