Monthly Archives: December 2017



adjective  lu·di·crous  \ ˈlü-də-krəs \
Definition :amusing or laughable through obvious absurdity, incongruity, exaggeration, or eccentricity
I was reading the article about  Will Self and while I was reading , I encountered a word  that I’ve heard before ,but never payed any attention to it. I knew what it sort of what It meant be never looked up the word in order for me to understand it fully. This is where i encountered the word, “We’ll, we’re only a fraction of the way there, but in terms of my longer walk, starting in London, I’m already halfway, and I can say that I am ludicrously happy. I am in a state of almost absurd satori.” The words that fist pops up to my head is “ecstatic” or “super” .  Once I went online  to fully understand the word I was partially right but wrong at the same time. Thankfully I went online , and understand the word better. An example of the word ludicrous,  When President Trump tweet’s in Twitter, he always has  to start a ludicrous topic .



adjective  bois·ter·ous  \ ˈbȯi-st(ə-)rəs \

DEFINITION : noisily turbulent rowdy

While I was reading a essay about project 4 , I came across a word that  I didn’t know what the meaning was, so I used context clues to figure the word out. This is where I encountered the word, “New York City has been and always will be a place known for its boisterous noises and wild energy that is the lights, people and entertainment. ”  While I was using contexts clues, I figured that the word that came close to it was loud or distracting. Once I went online and search up the word,  I knew what the word meant . An example using the word boisterous, Your boisterous behavior at school will not be tolerated.


nefarious – adjective – flagrantly wicked or impious

“… they joyfully rushed into the city to pursue and kill the nefarious enemies, as their comrades were already doing.” (The Crusaders’ Capture of Jerusalem)

This is a passage about the first crusades and how they captured Jerusalem. I knew nefarious meant bad, but I didn’t know it meant wicked or impious.


abominable- adjective –  worthy of or causing disgust or hatred

” What shall I say of the abominable rape of the women? To speak of it is worse than to be silent.” (Pope Urban II, Speech to the Council of Clermont)

in this speech to the Franks, Pope Urban II describes the crimes that the Islamic invaders have betrayed. abominable is an act worthy of disgust and hatred


ignominy – noun – deep personal humiliation and disgrace

“Let the holy sepulchre of the Lord our Saviour, which is possessed by unclean nations, especially incite you, and the holy places which are now treated with ignominy and irreverently polluted with their filthiness.” (Pope Urban II , Speech to the Council of Clermont)

I read this in a speech by pope urban II, in which he was inspiring the Franks to go to on the crusades. I was confused what ignominy mean. I knew it had a negative connotation because of the context, but I had no idea that it meant a more severe form of humiliation.


intrinsically – in an intrinsic manner by natural character in itself 

  • an intrinsically difficult language
  • intrinsically evil/valuable

“With all the focus on the legal aspects of privacy and the impact on global trade there’s been little discussion of why you want privacy and why its intrinsically important to you as an individual,”..

Image result for intrinsically

I came across the word while reading the article “We want privacy, but cant stop sharing”. When reading the article I thought the word intrinsically meant “extremely”. Even though the one worded definition seems to make sense in the sentence that it was written in, its not the most accurate definition. With the help of the Merriam Webster dictionary, and other dictionary websites, the best definition would be ” natural , or essential”. Even after figuring out the meaning, I still find it hard to create my own sentence with the new term.



adjective  hec·tic  \ ˈhek-tik \ characterized by activity, excitement, or confusion

While I was reading some of my classmates work in project 4 , I came across to this word “hectic”.  This is what I came across while I was reading “Brooklyn in The morning can be hectic.” I tried using context  clues in this situation and the word that pop up in my head was crazy . When I went online,  searching for the definition , I understood what the sentence meant. An example using the word hectic would be , New York City train station is always hectic in the morning .



verb  dwin·dle  \ ˈdwin-dᵊl 
intransitive verb

to become steadily less shrink 

  • Their savings dwindled to nothing.
  • dwindling population
  • transitive verb to make steadily less .   

While I was reading one of the essays in project 4, I encountered this word “Dwindle” and I  knew I heard that word before, but I didn’t know where I heard it from. I wasn’t sure what the word meant,  so I used contexts clues to see if I could understand the word better.  This is where I encountered Dwindle,  “All three articles explained the positives of walking and how it may dwindle depression and can stop a person from brooding.” I read this sentence multiple times and the only words that come across to my head was lessen or decrease. I went online and search up the definition and understood what dwindle meant.  An example of using dwindle, The panda population is dwindling…. etc…


Threshold (noun):  the place or point of entering or beginning

“The way we live now” Colson Whitehead

“You didn’t know that each time you passed the threshold you were saying goodbye.”

I have encountered this word many times before and when I see this word I just think of holding to a certain extent, in the sense of ” this is beyond the threshold” but then in this sense, you get to see that the word meant entrance in reference to the idea that you would no longer see this place again. Getting to understand the different context of the word helps to understand the word and sentence in a better sense.


Resplendent (Adjective): shining brilliantly

” The happiest and saddest places in New York City, According to Twitter” Brian Merchant

“Dense urban jungles and resplendent verdant parks.”

In this reading, this is the second sentence and I know they were describing the park but I didn’t know in which way they were referring to the park, whether they were calling it beautiful or just full of trees. When finding the word, you realize that the definition fit the setting. By describing the park as shining it gives a better image to the reader of how the park is seen.