Project 4 Final

Living in New York City we have a lot of options and variety in terms of traveling and routes. The MTA serves approximately 15.3 million people across New York, Long Island, and Connecticut. There are numerous routes that we can take to get to our destination. We all have different opinions on the routes that we take. We all obviously can enjoy quiet, peaceful, and beautiful routes, but the route that I chose is a little bit different. In my opinion I prefer a busy, crowd seeking walk. These walks personally energize me and don’t always have me tired in the classroom.

For my usual route to city Tech I usually leave my house around 10:10 and I take a walk to the Flatbush Junction Train Station. Usually on the Weekdays I really don’t have any appetite in the mornings, which is weird because on the weekends my appetite for breakfast is big. This walk usually takes around 10 minutes. When I get there I either take the 2 or the 5 train all the way to borough Hall. This daily Route that I take usually takes me about 45-50 minutes to get to City Tech. Sadly most of the time I Still feel tired and non-energized when I get there. A lot of my peers chose  routes that are quiet and are mainly geared towards sight seeing. The Theme that I chose for this route is a Busy Environment. My route is a little bit different because during the morning time I like to be awake and energized, especially for college. Basically I need an energizing and busy route in the morning time. In the Article How To Make Your Commute More Fun and Energizing by Kate Harveston She basically explains to us how your daily route to your particular destination can get boring and make you tired in the morning time. She tells us that you could wake up earlier, Try new foods, take a walk, or make a new playlist. When selecting a new route I really thought about time and busy scenes. Basically I believe you should always get to class a little bit early just so you don’t ever have to rush to class.

Last week I decided to switch up my normal route. I thought about taking the bus but I just kept thinking I would never make it to class in time due to all of the traffic. I knew I was going to take a different route that day so I decided to leave my house a couple minutes earlier, I left around 9:50. I walked over to Flatbush Junction but I took a quick stop at Mcdonalds to get my favorite drink from there, which is a chocolate chip Frappe. This quick stop took me about 5 minutes. As I walked out of Mcdonalds I decided to take the 2 train to Nevins Street and then walk to City Tech. Waking up a couple minutes earlier was definitely worth it for this route. In the article 8 Ways to Energize Each Morning by Geoffrey James he talks about having a good day and starting it with your best foot forward. He goes on to talk about how you should inspire your body and your mind. He wants you to have a set of goals and inspire yourself in the mornings. He then goes to talk about how you should fuel your body and your mind and talks about how “breakfast defines your physical condition for the day”. For this route I decided that the rapper Chief Keef would be the perfect artist to get you energized in the morning time. As you walk out of the Nevins Street train station there really isn’t anything to see really, but the reason why I Chose Nevins Street was because it was a very busy area. I basically wanted to hear the cars, people, and all of the noises from this busy area.  These loud noises helped energize and wake me up.  At that time it was around 10:58 so I still had a bunch of time to get to class. As soon as you walk down Fulton Street things start to look a little bit better in my opinion, but the area is still very busy which was a good thing. So far this detour was actually brightening up my day a little bit. As you walk down Fulton Street you get to see a lot of retail stores and a bunch of different places to eat. I actually now knew where I could go get something to eat after or before class. Personally I really don’t like going into the Jay St entrance of the school because there is always to much people and the elevators are always packed. I prefer the Brooklyn Bridge Blvd entrance which is basically the back entrance, so I would walk down Fulton Street until you get to there. As you walk down you have Columbus Park to your Left and the Empire State Building Straight ahead. If it is not cloudy outside you can actually see it perfectly.

In the morning time walking a fairly long distance actually changes my mood. This route is perfect for someone who needs a lot of noise to wake them up in the morning and does like a little bit of Beauty outside. This route isn’t much longer than my usually route. I will be taking this route occasionally due to the fact that it is really cold outside. This would be a perfect route for the spring time.







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