Monthly Archives: November 2017


Scenic (adjective) -of or relating to the stage, a stage setting, or stage representation

This word was found in the “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful?” article by Lex Berko. This sentence states ” After all, how could a mapping service know how to take the scenic value of a route into account when calculating directions?”. This sentence is located on the first page, first paragraph, last sentence.

When I came upon this word I thought it met area but when i looked it up i mean relating to the stage. So it meant to me that this word meant that people see certain areas relatable to there past experienced that has been peaceful. As well an area can have a meaning to somebody that is very powerful to them.



Nebulous (adjective)- of, relating to, or resembling a nebula

This word was found in the article by Lex Berko “What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful Article” which states “But how do you quantify concepts as nebulous as beauty or happiness?”. This was located on the first page, fourth paragraph, on the first sentence.

This word wasn’t clear to me but reading the definition it was some what clear to me that the word nebulous meant something relating to. To better explain this word in the sentence “But how do you quantify concepts as nebulous as beauty or happiness?”. What this means this how can people relate to something in there life to a park or a place that they call peaceful. As well the question to ask ourselves is to compare something that we have experience to what we have in front of us.


Fastest Route or Most Beautiful?

In the article ” What If You Could Choose Between the Fastest Route and the Most Beautiful” written by Lex Berko, the author discussed an experiment that may eventually take the form of an app. The app would allow people to chose whether they would take a different route to their destination, if it was an enjoyable experience. The reasoning for this experiment was the idea that”mapping apps are fantastic but are also a little soulless”, which is the sentence the author opened the article with. This claim was then supported by the idea of how quickly the mapping apps gets you from one place to another but along that route it may be an unpleasant experience. The text further discussed the results from a survey that the researchers gave to people that lived in London and discussed the differences between each area they seemed to think was more happy, beautiful or calm. In this article the author had a tone of optimism, because they discussed having hope that in the future there will be something that would allow people to have the opportunity of choosing the most beautiful based on their preference.



Rubble (noun): broken fragments resulting from the decay or destruction of a building.

“You swallow hard when you discover that the old coffee shop is now a chain pharmacy, that the place where you kissed so-and-so is now a discount electronics retailer, that where you bought this very jacket is now rubble behind a blue plywood…”

I detected the word rubble while reading the passage City Limits. I pondered about the words definition and concluded that it meant a speck. While doing research on Merriam-Webster its definition appeared. I noticed that the definition said the destruction of a building which went perfectly with the author’s writing. He is trying to say where you may have bought your jacket the store has been destroyed and is under construction.


Consensus (noun):  general agreement

” “But, in our crowdsourcing experiment, we found that if you ask a large enough number of people to pick between two pictures [and choose] which one is more beautiful or which one makes them happier, consensus usually emerges.””

When I first encountered the word consensus I tried brainstorming its definition. At first I thought it meant someone’s opinions because a few words before states, “which one makes them happier.” However, I wanted to be sure so I searched consensus up on Merriam-Webster.  Consensus correct definition is a general agreement. The passage is basically stating that an agreement usually occur at the end of the experiment.


Algorithm(noun): a precise rule (or set of rules) specifying how to solve some problem.

“We quantify how people psychologically perceive the urban environment, and using existing algorithm, we identify pleasurable detours.”

As I was reading the article, I came across this word algorithm. I was searching through my memories and noticed that I’ve never heard of the word. I tried using context clue while reading it over and over again and I couldn’t came up with a guess. After searching up the word, the sentence makes more sense for me. We quantify how people psychologically perceive the urban environment, and using existing set of rule, we identify pleasurable detours.


amorphous – adjective – having no definite form

“across from the airport, just east of the Strip, the whole conglomeration like some strange amorphous triple junction,….” (David L Ulin, Walk with me)

Ulin refers to the area as ever changing, it doesn’t have a definite form.


Conglomeration – noun – a mixed mass or collection

“across from the airport, just east of the Strip, the whole conglomeration like some strange amorphous triple junction,….” (David L Ulin, Walk with me)

Conglomeration was just another way for david to refer to the area as a whole.


elusive – adjective -hard to comprehend or define

“this is how you ground yourself in an elusive, unfamiliar city – on foot, walking it into focus in all it’s specificity and wonder” (David L ulin, walk with me)

Ulin describes how to situate yourself in a “hard to grasp” unfamiliar city. Due to context clues I can see that elusive meant hard to comprehend.


incremental – adjective – of, relating to, being, or occurring in especially small increments

“The statue of liberty…. where it stood squat and compressed as I drove past, a facsimile in incremental scale.” (David L. Ulin, Walk with Me)

He describes the statue of liberty as a exact copy of itself, getting smaller and smaller as he drives past.