Project #4 peer review

To begin our peer review, read your classmate’s introduction. Answer the following two questions:

  1. Is it clear what the theme of the route is?
  2. What is the thesis statement? Identify it, and also put it in your own words.

Continue reading.

If the project does not yet have an introduction, read the draft and offer your insight into what the theme is and what the thesis statement is (the two questions above).

Whether the project has an introduction yet or not, use the thesis statement you have identified as a map to the rest of the project. Does each paragraph fit within that thesis statement? If not, how can you expand it or revise it to make it work? Or, how could you alter the focus of the paragraph to make it work?

For each draft you read, write an outline of what is there and what needs to be added that the author can take home to use while revising. This outline should be specific!

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