City Limits summery

“City Limits” by Colson Whitehead is an essay about the his first experience in New York City and what makes it so fast paced or why it is called “the city that never sleeps” because it seems to be functioning 24/7 even in the early 70’sĀ  New york had its glory days not only that but draws in the reader by saying that everyone has their own personal version or interpretation of the city. First impressions are always the one that people remember and to understand this from the perspective of the writer is the general point of the essay. He even pints out at one point that never let people tell you how New York City was, and to experience it themselves. Because of the city fast paced nature everything is changing, stores, buildings, houses, ect. and how in the future all of it will be something else in a couple of years, to appreciate what we have now before its gone. and being a citizen in new york you understand where Colson is coming from if you where born and raised here. I agree with Colson’s perspective on the city and how people should appreciate what they have more often before it’s gone.

2 thoughts on “City Limits summery

  1. Edwin

    I completely agree with you. People should learn to appreciate what they have before its gone. I Feel with project three, we will be able to look into the past and do some research and see what was in the area near City tech. We might have the same location pinned in our site map, but after reading the essay “City Limits” we might have a different perspective about the location.

  2. Jade

    I agree with the idea of people having to learn New York for their own experiences, because their perspectives of it is not the same as your own


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