Summary of the “City Limit”by Colson Whitehead

In this article “City Limit” written by Colson Whitehead there was a lot of important key points that where said. Just to start off with how he described what New York is and how you expect this big ideal. Where everything in New York is big, tall and bright. Colson states “Over a lifetime, that adds up to a lot of neighborhoods”. What this is says is that in New York will always growing everyday ,but the big question to some people is it growing for a good reason or bad reason. Another part that Colson stated is “Go back to your old haunt in your old neighborhoods and what do you find: they remain and have disappeared.” What Colson is trying to say is that everything is limited and the fact that since everything is so advance new things will be placed with the old things. So what people should do is realize that things will never be the same. As the population grows and society grows, new people will come in with new ideas. Where they will make a decision as to whether or not an area should be changed or not based on the amount of money they have. So Colson main point of this article is that things will always change so enjoy things while they last because everything isn’t always forever. As well appreciate what you have and just know that here’s no stopping change.The author’s tone and feelings towards everything is really mixed emotions. The author was really aggressive and convincing with the fact that New York is never just this one thing it’s always changing.With  that we need to appreciate what we have. That we as people don’t really care about things until it’s missed. Which at the end the author sounds sad at the fact that everything isn’t the same.

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