noun co·her·ence \kō-ˈhir-ən(t)s, -ˈher-\ is a systematic or logical connection or consistency
I first encountered this word in the blogging guidelines .Of the open lab of the [New York City
college of technology]: English Department
What I thought the word coherence means was that a person was not listening to good so the
person coherence to what I was saying that’s what I thought the word coherence means .
Now that I get the full understanding of the word coherence I can now use the word to join together or to connect something to make the paper connect.
now I can understand what the word means and use this word and have a better understanding of this word coherence.
Be sure to include a quotation from the source that includes the word you’re defining. Also, an you apply the definition into that source quotation? Without that, there isn’t enough coherence to your glossary entry!