How to read an image

For Project #1, you have to explain how an image represents you so well that you can use it as your OpenLab avatar. You also have to consider how it might be misinterpreted or interpreted differently than you intended. Here are some tools for reading an image.

Observe, then interpret


What stands out? What is less obvious?

What is the main subject? The supporting subject(s)?


People: Identify the people, one or a group, gender, age, relationship to each other, clothing

Time: what time of day, season, year, period, century?

Activities/Events: what are the people (or other entities) doing, what event is taking place?

Place: is it urban/rural, indoor/outdoor? What buildings, landscapes, etc?

Further questions:

What is the context?

Where is the viewer? (if it’s a photograph, where is the photographer?)

What is the purpose of the image? Who is its audience?

What issues are included?

What is the message of the image?

How would you summarize the image in a paragraph?

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