Monthly Archives: April 2017

Livewell Section 2

The weather is getting better and I have been eating out more, which means unhealthier food options.

Livewell Session 3

After completing my livewell session 3,  I was able to receive great feedback. It was interesting to find out that my eating habit can build my confidence by looking for new ways to handle difficult situation. One important thing is that I need to stick with my healthy eating habits, because it can change the way I view myself. I also learn from that session how I can manage stress effectively. Livewell session 3 was success!

Livewell session 2

I work in a pre-school and due to my busy schedule attaining a good amount of fruits and vegetables can be challenging  at times. My students  are provided with daily meals by a food company and usually it consist of a good amount of healthy food and snack, and that’s where I come in. I  love fruits and vegetables so I take the opportunity whenever they are having breakfast and lunch, I would  eat my fruits  and vegetables with them daily. So my diet is consist of fruits and vegetables daily and it actually feels good that I can manage eating healthy throughout my busy schedule.

Abiola Small

LiveWell session II

I have really enjoyed the personalized feedback from Live Well program. I am always very conscious about my diet, after taking the assessment, live Well program has made me more conscious about my nutrition choices. In liveWell session two I am in the maintenance for exercise and in the action for eating enough fruits and vegetables.  I have been eating more fruits and vegetables instead of junk foods now. I normally preferred to eat more protein rich diet compared to carbohydrates and lipids.

LiveWell session 2

I am always food conscious person, try to be stayed with healthier life, but sometimes couldn’t maintain my routine. After completing Live Well session two nutrition part, I learn a lot about having food quantity , quality and necessity of food in our daily life. I am mostly vegetarian but as I grown up in south Asia , I prefer tea a lot and I was    using sugar in my tea. Live Well  session 2 , teaches me to reduce sugar in tea. I like cook vegetable instead of raw salad. Sometimes I cook mixed vegetable with beans or lentil.  This session provide me a good recognition of healthier food. Now I take black tea and multi grain cookies to start my daily life.

LiveWell Session 2

After completing session 1 of LiveWell, I decided to try healhier options. Pictured above is a smoothie bowl I made which consists of peach, mango, banana, coconut, blueberries and granola. In session 2 of LiveWell, it was interesting to look at the way I manage my nutrition and exercise in conjunction with stress.  My days are usually very busy which can be overwhelming so it’s difficult to think about healthier options or even think about finding a moment in my day to do something for myself. One thing I realized while going through the session is that it’s important to have supportive people in my life who can motivate me and have a positive influence when it comes to healthy living. For myself, my fiance is the person who constantly reminds me to choose better options, take an afternoon walk or hit the gym even if it’s late at night. Her optimism keeps me going. Another thing I learned is that it’s important to find time for myself and do something I would enjoy. A game of basketball always over powers the stress for me. I now try to plan atleast one time during the week where I can go play and relieve my stresses that way. It truly helps because I’m in a better mood and I get exercise in at the same time.

Live Well Session 2

Since the living well session , I have seen my nutritionist  twice. I must say that there has been a big improvement in my eating habits e.g.: I now use portion control before plating my  food . I am eating more healthy snacks and exercising twice a week. I feel very good about my health.


Live Well- Session 2

Live Well Session Two

This nutrition post couldn’t have came at a better time. About a month ago, I got food poisoning over a weekend and I think it was from some under cooked meat. I think this was a reset for my eating habits. Since then, I really started to cut meat out of my diet or if I do eat meat, I cook/order it well done. I’ve started to try to include vegetables in every meal I eat and started to eat a lot more eggs especially for breakfast. I’ve cut out a lot of sugars from my diet and started to eat more fruits and nuts, especially pistachios. I’ve also started to walk my dog in the morning daily for at least 30 minutes instead of waiting for my brother to do it later.

LiveWell Session 2

I always start well with my food, picking fruit and vegetables over starch and junk food. I realized that although I start well,  I end  up having iced caramel macchiato, it’s so hard to resist. I don’t feel too bad about it since overall I am eating a lot better and do have regular exercises. In order to have more fruits on the go, I get strawberry pineapple smoothies in water. I’ve always try to choose healthier alternatives and cook my own meals, it’s something my mother instilled in me over the years.