Daily Archives: April 22, 2017

Livewell session 2

I work in a pre-school and due to my busy schedule attaining a good amount of fruits and vegetables can be challenging  at times. My students  are provided with daily meals by a food company and usually it consist of a good amount of healthy food and snack, and that’s where I come in. I  love fruits and vegetables so I take the opportunity whenever they are having breakfast and lunch, I would  eat my fruits  and vegetables with them daily. So my diet is consist of fruits and vegetables daily and it actually feels good that I can manage eating healthy throughout my busy schedule.

Abiola Small

LiveWell session II

I have really enjoyed the personalized feedback from Live Well program. I am always very conscious about my diet, after taking the assessment, live Well program has made me more conscious about my nutrition choices. In liveWell session two I am in the maintenance for exercise and in the action for eating enough fruits and vegetables.  I have been eating more fruits and vegetables instead of junk foods now. I normally preferred to eat more protein rich diet compared to carbohydrates and lipids.