Monthly Archives: September 2014

Fisrt Proposal – “Anything Funny” – Sammy Cordero

1. When I am bored I search for funny videos on YouTube. So I decided why not create a blog that will have funny gif, videos, and jokes. I could call it Anything Funny. I will create a blog where people could post funny mashup gif, videos or jokes . My goal is to get people to visit the blog to post something funny or find something funny to laugh about.

2. This project will be both computational and design. The project will be a blog website that will be manipulated by code, and it has to be physically appealing for people to want to visit it.

3. I found inspiration from a project I found on Eyebeam. The project is about mashup gif: As I looked into the project, and did my research I found other websites that inspired me: .

First Proposal – Dimple Mirpuri

Projection Mapping

Category: Tangible

Projection mapping can be used for advertising, live concerts, theater, gaming, decoration on a face or any other object. I would like to create an interactive imagination where you get to map yourself in a situation and can set your own scenes and locations. For example, how would you look accessorizing yourself (especially for women) or playing a puzzle to assemble your own face, or designing your own character for a video game using a friend’s body.

Projection Mapping On A Human Face

Projection Mapped Digital Makeup

simulate: First proposal: Tricia Browne

Category: Design

Proposal: Using The kinect and VR head sets. you can create a world by drawing your ideas out and scanning them with the connect. (it can be drawings, photos, your own drawings and tangible or digital image) the system will recreate your drawing in a three dimensional space, studying the drawing through algorithms that read all the detail to the drawings. you can also draw objects to be in the world such as chairs and tables. and peoples profiles will be able to be scanned to create new characters. one you have what you want uploaded you can manipulate the objects in the world to how you see fit. almost like clay. The kinect will let you have a more strong control of your body in the game/ simulation. scanning your habits/movements up as well. (such as if you tap your foot alot.)  while the VR head set will let you have the feel of being in the world you created.


algorithm drawing idea. 

VR head set

kinect based art system. 

First Proposal: Josue Alberto

Interactive Video Projection Mapping

Category : Design

Video projection mapping software combined with a camera that detects motion and speed. Takes that data and creates 3D designs on the object or location where video is being projected. The more interaction the more creative it gets. This will be great for party events and entertainment. Fun and creative project.

The World’s First Light Art Museum

Envision The Fourth Dimension Inside This LED Hypercube

Park-A-Bike Locator; Carlos V.

2. Computational and Design

3. An application that will allow users to seamlessly find the nearest and most affordable place to park their bicycles. Similar to spinlister, but instead of users supplying bicycles they supply space to store them, for a fee of course. If the parking fee is not an option, the application will search for the best area to chain your bike using bike theft reports as the basis for its selection.  Populated areas or areas near precints will be heavily favored as opposed to a less populated and ultimately unsafe place to park your bike.


Wifinder; Nathan Yampolsky

Category: Computational, Design

Imagine, you’re in a new city, you have little guidance and next to no signal on your phone.  Quite the predicament.  My idea is to combine the aesthetic of an augmented reality game with the efficiency and simplicity of a WiFi discovery application.  With WIfinder you simply use your phone as a sort of portal to locate where the greatest source is coming from.  Via a color coded system you can quickly confirm (green being a good connection and red being an abysmal connection) where to go to receive that sweet, sweet lifeline we call the internet.  Where does this differ from your default wifi finder?  I would say that visualizing the process not only makes it easier, but also gives finding a good connection an almost fun artistic twist from the mundane.

Inspirations and Research:,