simulate: First proposal: Tricia Browne

Category: Design

Proposal: Using The kinect and VR head sets. you can create a world by drawing your ideas out and scanning them with the connect. (it can be drawings, photos, your own drawings and tangible or digital image) the system will recreate your drawing in a three dimensional space, studying the drawing through algorithms that read all the detail to the drawings. you can also draw objects to be in the world such as chairs and tables. and peoples profiles will be able to be scanned to create new characters. one you have what you want uploaded you can manipulate the objects in the world to how you see fit. almost like clay. The kinect will let you have a more strong control of your body in the game/ simulation. scanning your habits/movements up as well. (such as if you tap your foot alot.)  while the VR head set will let you have the feel of being in the world you created.


algorithm drawing idea. 

VR head set

kinect based art system. 

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