In the Spotlight: ARTH2101 Healing the Body

Healing the Body is a new interdisciplinary course co-taught by Profs. Sandra Cheng (Art History), Gwen Cohen Brown (Dental Hygiene), and Aida Egües (Nursing).  Students have been analyzing images they’ve chosen from an online database of images about the history of medicine. For their next blogging assignment, they’ll be reflecting on artist Carrie Mae Weems’ ideas and work on race, appropriation, and photography. Check out this excellent course site, and the interesting work students are doing on it!

In the Spotlight: COMD 1167 – Type & Media

Type & Media

Prof. Mary Brown’s students have been blogging about typography by observing, photographing, and writing about examples they have come across in their neighborhoods.  The course site also uses the new theme Twenty Fifteen, with nicely-designed custom backgrounds, and has helpful videos, handouts, and other information on typography.  Check it out — you may think about your corner bodega’s kerning in a new way!

In the Spotlight: Pre-Dental Society NYCCT

This club site is clean and well-structured, and members have been actively writing, with regular posts that include helpful information about dentistry and dental school.  It’s also easy to find out more about what the club does and how to contact them.  Take a look!

This Week in the OpenLab: September 15th Edition


This week we want to highlight our bloggers, who have returned this year better than ever. We’re extremely lucky to have their work here on the OpenLab, and hope you agree. Be sure to follow The Buzz to follow all their posts!


Konyca: Never Forget

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September 11th, 2001 do you remember where you were on this tragic day? I was back in my home country. I had just came out from school and turned on the television as I got in( a natural habit) when I saw the attack on the news. I stood there in disbelieve wondering if I was dreaming. Still in disbelieve, I managed to call my mom to inform her of what has happened. It wasn’t until the next day we were able to contact friends and family to make sure they were alright. Thankfully they were. To this day I am still baffled by what happened 14 years ago. However I believe this has only made the people stronger, united and more appreciated of life. Never forget……




BRIANNA: Food Styling: The Perspective of Food

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I strongly believe that despite how good food can taste, it must first look presentable. The famous saying which states how your eyes eat before your mouth does explain my theory.  As all of us post onto OpenLab or other sites, we all post photographs to truly evoke and support our article efficiently.

Food styling is all about the science of displaying food properly to evoke a sense of persuading each viewer to want to eat and enjoy the meal being presented. In food styling, presentation is key; it revolves around what the viewer’s ideal interests in that particular dish are and how to captivate them in a single photograph to entice them. Mostly, food styling is used as a means of advertisement to coax those to purchase their products but it can be used to show the outcome of a recipe or to display an edible, artistic masterpiece.


AMONI: Summer is FALLing into its Place

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 Welcome back students, faculty, staff and visitors. My name is Amoni B and its an honor to be blogging with City Tech for another semester. I hope all of my readers are enjoying their summer, whether you were traveling, learning in school, giving back to your community, splashing in water themed parks, visiting galas and museums, enjoying sport events like the US Open, dancing at the Labor Day parade, and even working. I must also shine light on the #BLACKLIVESMATTER movement. Although the years of damnation and recent events in the US and Dominican Republic aren’t much to smile about, I am happy that there is more awareness and even more self-embracing being spread.

This Week in the OpenLab: School’s IN Edition


Welcome back! We hope everyone had a safe, rewarding, relaxing, productive, simply wonderful summer. And we’re excited about the upcoming year and hope you are too!



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If you’re here you’ve surely already noticed: there was a major upgrade to the OL over the summer. You’ll notice a complete redesign of the look of the OL, but won’t notice many changes. Except one: the upgrade made the OL far more usable on mobile devices. So many of our students and faculty depend on their phones and tablets for the OL, we decided it was critical to improve performance on those platforms. We hope it works well for you!



As always, we’ll be offering a slate of workshops over the course of the fall, and continuing our Office Hours initiative. You can check out the schedule below, and sign up here for faculty and here for students. Students, please note that for the first time, you can take advantage of the Office Hours as well!


FC_LivingLab_OpenLab_Student_Workshops_Fall15_F (1)That’s all for this week! Thanks and as always contact us with any questions!

In the Spotlight: Thomas Ahrens International Work/Study Programs – Paris


A group of Hospitality Management students is participating in an exchange program with students from Universite d’Evry in Paris for the month of June.  They’re taking turns writing “Paris Correspondent” blog posts reflecting on their activities each day, including plenty of photographs!  It looks like a great experience, and we’re happy they’re sharing it with the OpenLab community and beyond!

In the Spotlight: CUE Conference with “The Buzz”

Brianna Vasquez, a student blogger for The Buzz, has written a wonderful post about her experience writing for The Buzz and presenting on it at the CUNY CUE Conference.  As Scott Henkle writes about the conference, “Brianna remained her charming self, speaking knowledgeably and well about her role on the team, and our presentation wouldn’t have been the same without her.”  She also baked an incredible cake (pictured above) for the occasion, which we all got to sample!

Brianna’s thoughts about community on the OpenLab touch on one of the central purposes of the platform, the creation of a virtual space where all members of the City Tech community can come together in a way that doesn’t always get to happen as much as we’d like on City Tech’s physical campus.

This Week in the OpenLab: May 13th Edition


Last week the community team attended the CUNY CUE Conference, and we were happy to do so. Our presentation, Engaging a College Community Through Open Digital Technologies: City Tech’s OpenLab, discussed our ongoing efforts to increase students’ sense of community at City Tech. As we’ve said before, it’s not always easy to connect on a largely-commuter campus such as ours, and it’s our belief that the OL can play a central part in that process. In fact, with student membership increasing every day, we’d like to think we already are!

We’d also especially like to note the role of student community team member Brianna Vasquez. At a CUNY event largely attended by faculty and administrators, when we asked Brianna to be part of our presentation, she did not balk–in fact she jumped at the chance. And when her two fellow teammates fell ill and could not present with her, she happily spoke on the student team’s behalf to an audience of faculty from across CUNY.  Brianna remained her charming self, speaking knowledgeably and well about her role on the team, and our presentation wouldn’t have been the same without her.

And on top of that, she made the cake in the picture above! Thanks Brianna!

This may be our last post of the year, so happy summer to all!