This Week in The Openlab! July 10th Edition

Spam is part of any open system, and while we do all sorts of things to prevent automated spam, there’s very little anyone can do about those friendly human spammers willing to actually type out comments and post them.  Do remember that by default comments are all saved to your dashboard and won’t appear until you approve them, and try to take joy in there inevitable compliments.  … Continue reading this post

This Week in The Openlab: June 19th Edition

(Image via State Senator Eric Adams)

Congratulations to all our graduates!  It seems like just yesterday you started, and now you’re all grown up.  Please keep in touch, and best of luck!

Featured Tutorial:  Finding Print Quality Images

“Have you ever grabbed an image off the internet, then printed it, only to find it looks awful on paper or is the size of a postage stamp?… Continue reading this post

This Week in the Openlab! June 11th Edition

(SlideGuy Image by Reverend)


Last weekend, your very own OpenLab was happy to be part of the 2012 WordCampNYC.  If you’ve never heard of WordCamp, it’s a national series of conferences dedicated to bringing together WordPress users, including individual users who run their own sites, and larger groups and communities like ours.
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This Week In Openlab: May 29th Edition

(By Itai (Own work) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons)

Hope everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend, got a break, had a picnic, enjoyed the weather!  In honor of the short week, this week’s This Week won’t tax your patience…

Reminder:  Upcoming Workshops and Student Opportunities

Last week we put up two very important posts, and we just want to be sure they don’t get lost in the end-of-the-fall-term-beginning-of-the-summer-term shuffle.  … Continue reading this post