Sensor Tiles Project: Unity Team: Frank & Dwayne – Testing Unity

For today, we worked on importing several Blender character models as well as our game that we have been working on for Interactive 3D Programming. Thus far, we have found the process of the workflow between Blender and Unity in terms of importing objects, characters and environments to be relatively smooth. Most of our day consisted of getting used to the many features of Unity, specifically towards rigging character models and trying to animate them for testing purposes.

Our next step is to collaborate with Miles and Wale to plan the course of action for how to make our project for Unity work with the Sensor Tiles.

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Sensor Tiles Project: Brian, Miles, Gabby, Kenneth, Al, Reno

Today we debugged Miles processing program and now it is easier to read and it more efficient. We have the system to semi-functional state. Currently the only issue is the need for a method that describes when the tiles was pressed or not pressed.

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SWIG and Blender? Pfffft

So it turns out that SWIG and Blender don’t play along great together. We tried to figure out how Blender was calling the files, and I was trying to look that up. Then I looked up “blender swig” and found a bunch of people having exactly the same problems we’re  having.

So SWIG doesn’t play nice with Blender on Ubuntu and it seems like the other Mac and Windows users found on thisy here thread have no problem at all with their file organization being what it should be (everything in the leap module folder for blender)


the end.

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Sensor tile project: Miles, Brian, Gabby, Al, Reno 10Nov2014

After today we are in the process of figuring out how to mount the screens to the wall. We still need to figure out how to mount it with all of the obstacles on the wall. Miles wrote a processing program that does send OSC messages over an intranet. It needs to be refined to sweep for ports but that is in progress. We have wireshark logs that prove the program works. We are making good progress. If Miles can get the sweep program running we should be able to use the tiles.

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Sensor Tiles Project: Unity Team: Frank & Dwayne – Establishing Our Permanent Workstation For Work On Unity (Part 3)

For today, we finished the installation of Unity on the Studio Blue Computer. To complete the process, we had to haul the computer itself to V314, connect to the internet, redownload Unity and test it to make sure it works. And then we had to bring the Mac Studio Blue Computer back to Studio Blue and reconnect all of the wires.

Finally, we had to test the computer once more to make sure Unity would work in Studio Blue without the need for the Administrator password. Fortunately, it work in Studio Blue with no unforeseen difficulties.

Our next step is to work with Walle and finally begin establishing a continuous and uninterrupted workflow.

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Sensor Tiles Project: Unity Team: Frank & Dwayne – Establishing Our Permanent Workstation For Work On Unity (Part 2)

For today, we continued our efforts on setting up shop for us to continue our work on Unity. Unfortunately, today we arrived at another setback in the form of installation licenses.

Installation of Unity on the Mac computer in Studio Blue seemed to go smoothly once we obtained the necessary Administrator Password that would allow us to install Unity. However, once we tried to install Unity, we ran into the problem of having to manually activate the product key and the content licenses needed for successful installation of the software. When Dwayne and I attempted to install said licenses, we were met with the error message, “incorrect license, please try again”. After about 1 1/2 hours of trying to troubleshoot the problem, we found out for the Studio Blue computers, they would not allow us to update software of any kind until we update the anti-virus software and then connect to the internet via Citytech’s internet protocol software, Bradford Agent. Unfortunately, for an unknown reason, although the anti-virus software was updated the software Bradford Agent would not allow us to continue using the internet because of the error message “Failed Test, AgentX not updated”. We kept running into this problem for the remainder of the class. After a while, the process started to feel like a cycle of updating and trying to connect to the internet that would never end.

Our next step is to troubleshoot the AgentX software and try to use Bradford Agent to log onto the internet and try to install Unity once again.

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Wrestling files

Today we set on to figure out what’s up with Blender. We found the old Jenga .blend file from the previous semester and loaded it, as well as investigating the file organization of last semester’s setup.

The .blend file wouldn’t make use of the leap motion on our current machine, throwing us the “unable to find” error. Big surprise.

However what was really interesting was that –THIS JUST IN: LEAP MOTION IN BLENDER USING WEBSOCKETS:–

*ahem* So the machine from last semester doesn’t work and gives us the ebola virus(thank you Gabby) has a different configuration.,, and are all in blender/2.69/python/lib/python3.3, so we don’t need to have any of them in our modules folder. To make it work, I cheated and throw a copy of into the /usr/lib directory. This made it work.

We also downloaded Blender and Conda to the Mac to test our build, but that took forever and we ran out of time.


Oyah did I mention that I know how to use SSH keys with Git now? Woo!


Till Monday.

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The Case of the Strange File Hierarchy

Blender has an interesting way of handling files.

When we have in /usr/lib, and we have and in ~/.config/blender/2.69/scripts/modules, our script works and spits out data from the Leap Motion.

When we move, and all into ~/.config/blender/2.69/scripts/modules/Leap, it does not work. While we try different combinations of getting things to work, we have several errors complaining about how modules defined in don’t exist or libLeap can’t be found.

Just for fun, we tried running our in a regular bash terminal with the setup described in the second paragraph in this post. The result? Flawless, we get data straight out from the Leap Motion.

So the next mission is to dive into Blender and figure out why it’s so particular. Dive, dive, dive! *submarine alarms play*

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Sensor Tiles Project: Unity Team: Frank & Dwayne – Establishing Our Permanent Workstation For Work On Unity (Part 1)

For today, we collaborated with Wale and professor Baker on the most suitable location for setting up a workstation that will allow us to work on Unity.

We had all come to an agreement that the Mac computer in Studio Blue would be such a suitable location for our workstation.  So, since Wale had the Unity Setup files we were to to try and attempt to install Unity onto the Mac computer in Studio Blue. Unfortunately, due to the fact that nearly all of the computers that belong to the Entertainment department require an Administrator password and students are allowed to know the password for security reasons, we have come to a halt on establishing our workstation.

Our next step is to find another workstation that allows us to install files onto the computer without having the need for an IT administrator password. That freedom for our potential computer will give us the flexibility we need to work further in Unity as well as give us the liberty to install any other files that may become necessary for our project in the future.

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Even further!

Ishik, Remy, Xuemin

First, we got the gcc build script command to work by copying the Leap.h header file into the working directory for the package. With that fixed, we were able to import the package into the python console in Blender, but upon checking the imported contents of the package with print(dir(<package_name>)), we only had generic methods shown.

To check for the error, we tried to import the module into python directly in the terminal, and encountered an error wherein python’s import function was unable to access/open the source code that the SWIG-generated wraps around. We fixed this by copying this file ( into python’s /lib directory, where it contains its standard libraries, which allowed python to succesfully import Leap(.py), thus allowing us to successfully import the Leap module into Blender’s python console.

Our next challenge will surround the fact that Blender naturally checks the system /lib directory for any required python libraries (such as our, which requires admin access to add/remove files from. There is a directly equivalent /lib directory in anaconda’s python directory into which we can copy without admin access, so given that we want the install process to be as user-friendly as possible, we need to figure out how to have Blender look in the anaconda /lib directory when trying to import our Leap module.

See you next week for more “Adventures in BlendConda!”

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