Portrait Lighting (short light)


This is really good example of portrait Lighting. This photograph was taken at eye level as the subject was sitting. This photograph s great due to the lighting. This was taken at an angle between short light and a split light. Its also effective because the part with the highlight on my face, the background was dark and where the shadows on my face were visible, the background was bright.

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Light and Direction


During this photoshoot, our class was asked to capture the essence of a flower using light and direction. This photo taken by one of my group members is a brief representation of how placement of light can have a different impact on the object. Placing the light right in front of the flower made the background more white, making the flower the most prominent thing in the photograph. The flower was placed in the center of the table to create a more up close and focused photo. This particular flower was interesting to me because as you get closer you notice the details of each of the petals and some sort of orange substance all around the inside of the flower.

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Portrait Lighting

Jamar Callender

Jamar Callender

Todays assignment was to discover Portrait Lighting.Taking various head shots of each other using photography techniques of broad lighting, fill light and background light. Using these techniques helped create form and visual interest in the photos. The photo that I Picked was actually a photo of me using background light. What makes it good is the composition, shadow and tone in the the face and also capturing a hint of highlights.

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Flower Lighting

I found this beautiful pic very interesting. The angle that the flower is positioned in with the dark background and the light hitting the subject not to hard but just right makes this pic interesting to the eyes. This picture uses side lighting and I believe this picture used an ISO of 100. 30215627881_e1163307f8_o

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Flower lighting direction



The flower has a light going through the pedals and it almost looks like a lantern in a way. It reminds me of the Japanese or Chinese lantern that they have because it’s made out of a certain type of thin paper where you can see the light go through. As we can see here it does the same affect. We used the Micro lens to take this picture so we can have a nice focus on the light and the little vines coming out of the flower. The light is coming from the left of the photo because we can see the shadows on the right.


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Flower Lighting


The picture shows a great lighting. This taken was taken from somewhere between a lower and middle angle. We use the lighting meter to point it at the angle where the picture should be taken. I think we either change the ISO or the Aperture to make the camera quality better. It shows more details of the Lily.

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LL4-Lighting Direction


I like this photo because of the background. Black background makes the detail of flowers sticks out, and side lighting makes a flower on the right blend in with background really well.

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LL4 – Lightning Direction


By using a white background, soft-box, and placing the object (flower) 10 feet away from the background, I was able to photograph this beauty. I placed the flower almost 10 feet away from the background to prevent, interrupting shadows from the flower. The soft-box was on a side, higher than the flower to cast an attractive shadow. As we can see, the background color is warm for the eyes and the flower stands out really good. I consider this photograph to be one of the best because we can see not just the flower but also the details within the flower. Example take a closely look at the purple stigma; it’s just gorgeous. Finally, using the rule of thirds, the flower is place just on the right corner so the viewers’ eyes can rest and to give a more professional feeling or reaction.

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Lighting Direction


This image was shot using a Focus Grid light on the left hand side of the lily. The sensor was placed in front of the subject. Interestingly the background tissue paper was kept white so the location of the sensor affected the background. It allowed a darker deeper background to demonstrate the shadow in the subject. The image was shot at a straight angle but captured the subject symmetrically only having it on one side. The negative space provides more focus on the subject and its light source. I found this to be very interesting because it brought me to the conclusion that companies photograph there products for advertisements alike, for example a Jordan shoe.

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Alex Webb’s Exhibition

Alex Webb Exhibition

Samuel Acosta

COMD 2330

On 09/22/16 I and some of my classmates from the class Digital Photography had the opportunity to see Alex Webb’s Photo Exhibition name “La Calle: Photographs from Mexico”. The Exhibition room was really big and wide there were many photos from Mexico. In the exhibition La Calle the photos were from 1975 to 2007 the photos are in color and in black and white. There were around like 20 – 30 photographs this is a wild guess because I did not count them but there were a lot of photos. Some photos had mystery in them some others had something fun to look at or to laugh at and others were somewhat sad or nostalgic. The kinds of photos that I saw were some portraits, pattern, depth of field and some perspective. In his exhibition Alex Webb showed us some of Mexico’s best areas to hang out, some parks and even churches. When it came to indecisive moments Webb show us some of his skills to take the photo on the right time.

Some of the things that I saw were a church, a park, bars, places where prostitutes go to have businesses, small business that sell candy, monuments and statues over all most of the photograph if not all were out door. On his photographs Webb capture kids, women, men, drunks, dogs, corpses. Some of the things I did not see in his photograph were rich people or their mansions nor even fancy cars or anything like that. I believe that what Alex Webb was trying to achieve with that was that he wanted to show the humble, friendly and playful part of Mexico and I believe this because of the areas he choose to photographs the people and even thought there were some photos that were not playful you can still see people who are either helping make things better or at least trying. I believe he wanted to show what Mexico looks like when the media is not only showing people selling drugs or people crossing the border.

One of the photographs I really like from this exhibition was the one named “Kika’s Blue Room”. What called my attention to this photograph was that at first I thought this was a place for kids because of the colors, the type phase and the name for some reason Kika’s Blue Room to me sounds like the equivalent to Chucky E Cheese. After paying attention and examining the photo I realize that this wasn’t a place for kids at all it was a place for man to

MEXICO. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas (Border). 1978. Prostitute outside nightclub.

MEXICO. Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas (Border). 1978. Prostitute outside nightclub.

go and get prostitutes because right in front of the place there is a prostitute reading a book. Mr. Webb uses the rule of thirds in this photo and if I may I believe he did a fantastic work doing it because he focuses the two most important things in the photo one the prostitute and door into the place. The reason why I love it is because of the way he used the rule of thirds also because of the name and the confusion I had when I first saw the photo. Over all I think Alex Webb did a fantastic job show us how the humble side of Mexico looks like with all the kids playing, the prostitutes reading, the candy, and parks he photograph something different.

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