Author Archives: Mark Criollo


I picked this image because the shot is centered perfectly on what we call a close-up. Plus this dog is adorable. This image is a 509px x 339px size with a 72dpi resolution. A 147KB file

My Bio

Hey there! My name is Mark Criollo. I am in the Communication Design – Graphic Design Major because I have a passion for creative especially in drawing to be more specific. Which is why I believe this module is suitable to my interest. I have also taken some illustration classes on the side throughout my 4 years to sharpen my traditional art. My goal is to graduate my 4 years and then to attend a graduate design program in pursuit of my Masters.

Project 5

2 squares

800 pix


In this project, I have learned that colors are a tricky thing. They have so much potential. Making two different colors look exact to each other is plain difficult. I am not even sure if I got it correctly or any other pairs in this project. I was very amused on how the bezold effect makes a difference with just changing the background color. I, personally, have trouble seeing certain colors so it was difficult for me to make it work. The 400×400 pixel was also difficult for the same reason with my problem seeing certain colors. I would see blue, but it would actually be purple. Overall, this project has helped me to train my eyes better with color. I draw every day but tend to avoid coloring or painting. So this project and more can help better my eyes with colors.

Project 3 Thoughts

The project was lengthy. A lot of steps to take to complete it. It was also difficult when I had to paint. I, personally, hate paint with a passion. My peers felt how I felt about it. It was a good experience also! Take my time to finish a project properly and time management needs to improve. I’ll have to get use to paint, sadly, more the further projects.