Internship Journal Entry 2 2/12/18

At this point I have managed to get my Behance together online. I am taking a portfolio class this semester where we update projects we like to make it look even better. Unfortunately, those projects won’t be in my Behance until I finish all of them.

I downloaded the class’ internship list to help guide me when it comes to searching. While I did that, I also looked into job websites to see what I would like. A lot of them wanted people with 2-3 year experience, so, that is not for me right now since I am an entry level. The website I was looking at was indeed.

Once I finish my resume, I will be applying to internships. I will have my professor look into it in class next week. I tried to put as much as I can. I am not really sure what to put in it exactly other than what I can do for the field.