Journal #11 – Brian Rubio

Things have calmed down since last the chaos last couple of weeks. I’m back to making and  placing t-shirt orders for clients of the store. We usually take orders via email when it comes to making custom shirts but personally I like talking to clients on the phone and hearing their ideas out. I write notes as they talk and try to capture their enthusiasm in the design as well as staying true to the message they want to portray. For example, I made a phone call to a gym that wants a cancer fundraising shirt designed to raise money for a brother-in-law of one the jiu jitsu blackbelt professors that is struggling to pay medical bills. I was curious to learn more about the school and the reasoning behind coming up with this idea of a fundraising shirt. As I spoke to the professor, not only did I learn about to go about designing the shirt but I learned how tight-nit the fight community is. We began to talk more about jiu jitsu and his gym and was even invited to train with him if I was ever in town. Communication is key not only to help personalize a design but as humans we need to speak to someone in order to articulate feelings, hopes, and emotions that us as designers can translate into a solid design. Through doing this and taking that extra step, I’ve noticed that clients take the company a bit more serious and appreciate the call. This drives them to leave something as simple as a good rating or review can be such a great help to a small business in the long run. The shop strives on customer service and receiving good feedback is REALLY good for business.

One thought on “Journal #11 – Brian Rubio

  1. Joel Mason

    Dear Brian,

    I’m glad to see how face-to-face or person to person contact can positively affect the design process and the business model. Overall, your writing is generally clear and direct. Again, try to write shorter sentences whenever possible. Here’s my edit of one of your sentences:
    For example, I made a phone call to a gym that wants a cancer fundraising shirt designed to raise money for a brother-in-law of one the jiu jitsu blackbelt professors that is struggling to pay medical bills.
    For example, I called a gym that wants a tee shirt designed to raise money for the brother-in-law of a jiu jitsu blackbelt professor who is struggling with medical bills.
    See me for a more detailed analysis of this posting.
    Professor Mason


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