Tag Archives: Non-profit

Small voice in loud noisy media (Group)

ZinesMedia has the ability to spread a message globally at an incredible speed. Even in outer space a message is sent to communicate knowledge of exsistence. With this acceleration of delivering media comes a high price. The cost not only has a high monetary expense,  but also a cost of media control. The fact is that media is dominated by giant corporations and drown out the voice of people with less finances. The scale is tilted giving small communities or individuals less voice in spreading new ideas. This has caused underground zine readings to act as an output for groups or people with opinions. This alternative media has allowed new thoughts to be spread without being edited. Small publications have been published for many years, eventually leading to being called zines. Self published readings carry personal ideas, rebelling against mainstream media. Giving people power to speaking their voice.

Other types of alternative media?
Will zines ever go commercial?
How important is the word zine?Can zine communities be compared to earlier stages of information being guarded like gate keepers?
How reliable is a zine?How important is freedom of information?
Would you make and read zines?
Are we living in the “reel” world or the “real” world?