Tag Archives: closed information

HW 10/7/13

Basically this article “Opening access to knowledge” discuss a very popular problem today. Why should students pay for educational materials that are needed for the class or some project. Sometimes student pay that money for nothing. Author does not understand ,why student should pay twice for material that was written mostly by university professors for student education. One of those companies is JSTOR, they provide educational materials that suppose to be free ,for money. JSTOR has provided an important service to academic and other research communities by scanning back issues of journals and offering subscriptions to research institutions,but this storehouse of knowledge is not as openly available as Swartz apparently thought it should be. He downloaded 4 million articles from the JSTORE in only one purpose ,to show to the government and rest of the country ,that educational material must be free for students.Federal prosecutors decided to charge him with 13 felony offenses,which lead him to commit a suicide.