The Charms of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is the best website in the internet or maybe not. For many years this creation of Wikipedia has been out there and it is a very useful website that helps out a lot. To me Wikipedia is a great site that i use all the time when i have to do research or if its something i don’t know about i will look it up. others may say Wikipedia may not be the best resourceful website because anyone can edit the articles. I support Wikipedia and it will always be on the top of the list since thousands of people use it.

1 thought on “The Charms of Wikipedia

  1. Livanesa Santana

    I totally agree that Wikipedia is a very useful tool. As you, every time I have a project or would like to know about a subject, the first thing I do before I start is search on Wikipedia to have a general knowledge about the topic. Wikipedia provides me a lot of information in a very effective and organize manner. This website shows me the main points that I have to pay attention to. However, although some of the information provided by Wikipedia is not accurate, it is a very practical and helpful website. Because of it is very organized, Wikipedia saves me time. I love it.


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