Google !Ā Our friend? Our Enemy ? Our Poison Our Medicine? Google for years have been the only place that I could find information it was the only platform for me to gain insight But now, New sites and places have been brought to my attention its sort of like being introduced to new foods and new places EBSCO and Jstor though it holds more dense and broad information it is more reliable and legitimate informationĀ Ā  than you’ll find on Google if doing research . it is an great tool to use if your on the path for information that will be the meat and bones of a paper instead of a Wikipedia anybody written outlook on things

3 thoughts on “IF the LIBRARY and WIKIPEDIA had a BABY

  1. dubbullyou

    Similar to you, Ollin, I used to always rely on Google as my friend when it came to searching for anything. Now we are able to find reliable and relevant sources from different websites like EBSCO. Let’s say I was to research about a certain subject. I would only use Google to search the term and maybe a few targeted words to narrow down the thousands of results that I would’ve found. I still rely on Google but now it’s a different section of Google, Google Scholar. Google Scholar can be used solely for research and it would be a perfect solution for future research papers.

  2. Frank

    I relied to much on google for searches, never once did it cross my mind to try and find other types of search engines. Now learning about ebsco and google scholar, and other search engines and databases. It makes it easier to search up on a particular topic, i wish i had taken this class in my 1st semester, would’ve made my research papers a lot more easier to do.

  3. Account Deleted

    I completely agree with you. Before this semester, I used Google for all my research papers. I did not know how to use Google scholar or EBSCO. I used to spend a lot of time trying to find good articles for my research papers. Google provided me with a lot of information, but most of them were based on authorsā€™ ideas or opinions. I am glad I took this class; it made my life much easier. Now I am able to find useful information in a short time. EBSCO and Google scholar help me to fiend credible and valid information, such as peer review articles.


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