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Documentation: For Dummies series

A good example of documentation, are the “For Dummies” books. This franchise offers books on just about any topic you can imagine. They take this topic and break it down step by step so that you can get the hang of it. I recently purchased a “Photo Retouching & Restoration For Dummies” because I would be doing a lot of work with Photoshop and other programs like it. Since I had no experience with these programs, the vocabulary used in class left me a bit confused so this book really helped with its explanations of what the key terms were and also the step by step of how to make a basic picture stand out. -Miguel Olivares

Joey- Documentation

So far shown in class was a couple of how to videos and I decided to go on the same route.  The video link below is a documentation showing the viewers on how to be a ninja.  In the beginning of the video it shows why one might want to become a ninja with the boy getting bully and asking if he was tired of getting bullied.  The point of the video is clearly comical use but it does go about in steps on how to become a ninja.  The video shows step wise what needs to be done and also demonstrates the actions.  At the end of the video it also shows a demonstration on how the steps should look like.  I viewed this video almost 5 years ago and was the first thing to come to mind when asked to do this blog post. Hope you enjoy it.

Documentation: Sneaker Decreasing

For this documentation assignment, I watched a video on how to remove creases from sneakers. Presented to youtube by a trusted Sneaker adviser, “DelaKickks” , I learned the complete process for removing creases from sneakers and actually tried the process out. Its actually quite simple, all you have to do is stuff your shoe with newspapers, then wet the desired area (just a little bit), place a wet clothe of some kind on the desired area and then iron it out in the direction you would like to decrease. While doing this, I was surprised at how easy it was and how well my sneakers turned out. I felt that it was documented thoroughly and was easy enough for any one to understand. The link to the video is place below.

-Destiny Modeste




I know we watch a few videos on “how to” and I found a video on youtube in which the purpose is to teach the audience, how to remove scratches from any DVD. Documentation in form of a video is helpful if and how the creator demonstrates the purpose, evidence, steps etc. In this video the creator explains the process and at the same does the experiment for better understanding.


Making a thanksgiving turkey is not easy. There are a lot of steps one has to go through to make the turkey come out good enough to serve. It is generally a long process that takes at least five hours. Dryness is the biggest complaint people have. In this video it shows you how to keep the turkey moist. In the video the cook mentions something about “basting” she should explain further what this process is so people can understand not to do it in case they are not fully aware what it is. Other than that, she does a thorough job at explaining how to cook a thanksgiving turkey if one is unaware how to do so

Hw 11.

From Watching this video on how to make pasta its pretty simple how to cook it.

No brains needed, just boil your water until it bubbles and add salt. then put in your pasta. stir occasionally so pasta does not stick together for a few minutes, then drain and add your sauce, if its thick add some of the pasta water not all of the pasta water, then plate eat and enjoy. 🙂


How to make a cheesecake


Investigating on how  to bake a cheesecake, I found a video on youtube that explains how to make it. First of all, the instructor says that we must have three eggs lightly beaten, three 8-oz packages cream cheese softened, one third cup of sugar, one cup of sugar, half gram crackers, crushed, two tea spoons all purpose flour, one tea spoon vanilla, a quarter cup of milk, and on third melted butter. However, in the video, she does not specify what kind of crackers we must use, and also she does not explain what the role of the ingredients that she uses to make the cheesecake is; what kinds of cup and finally, I think she should notify all the materials we need to bake at the beginning. On top of all, her documentation was fair since if we try to follow every step she mentioned in the video, we will be able to make it.


Instructional Video

I would used  instructional videos for postioning on youtube, during my two years in the radiology progarm, for example, Chest x-ray. The narrigator explains step by step on what has to be done to obtain a diaganostic image.  She also explains what to look for in the image to make sure  it is of diaganostic quality.  The videos are very helpful and useful for people who have knowledge withing the field. If an average person who has no knowledge in the field were to watch the video they would not comprehend the procedure. The terminology is going to seem as if it is from another planet.




Acknowledging and honoring the individauls that has molded and created whether it was an equation, a screenplay, a poem etc is not only the right thing to do but the obligation of whom uses any of thier ideas/work. If its used in its original state or revised its only natural that you mention and validate the person who created that baseline for you to continue on. I believe that in learning from the past you build new possiblities for the future, always keeping present that validating those who had the curosity to invent the passion to thrive and the dedication to accomplish their goals should always be honored.

Notes from today, and assignment for Wednesday, November 28

Today we discussed standards, methods and styles for citing text and non-text media. Slides from today are available here. We will continue our discussion of documentation on Wednesday with a discussion of the practical applications of documentation.

Your assignment for Wednesday is the draft of the research paper, either handed in at the beginning of class or emailed to me as an attachment by 10 a.m. on 11/28. I will post the guidelines for the final version of the research paper on the site later today and distribute paper copies in class on Wednesday.

Good luck with finishing up the draft, everyone! Please get in touch or refer to the guidelines if you have any questions about the assignment.

UPDATE: I posted guidelines for the final research paper and will distribute a print version in class on Wednesday.

~Prof. Leonard