Monthly Archives: October 2012

Blog post comment

I agree with Sabrina about the search engines. Technology has made life so easy for us that providing an effort to find something is become almost an impossible mission. For example, last semester, we had to do a presentation, because everything we needed about the topic was online, so we took all our data via the web without using any book or newspaper data. Next, there are some website for science major students where it is ninety eight percent sure that you can find the answers of your homework, so Sabrina is right to state that search engines make people lazy. However, as student, you must be aware that you have to provide some effort in order to succeed.

Homework 9

Search engines these days are alot better the they used to be. and you can get more specific as well, the more you search the better your response is going to be. you can now use specifc words like now or then. and get a much more refind answer the you use to get. you can also use the schools library if you need more help as well.

H.W. 9 by Reno Abraham

Reading the article “How a Search Engine works” was really useful and the way the search engine would find that specific information you want. The search engine is very technical and the way the writer explain it was not what i thought it was going to be . To see that there so many concepts of is really amazing and to understand it would take a huge amount of time to get how it works. There tips of getting better results if you want to be specific, and some of the tips that I never consider like using ” not ” in finding more sources and eliminate the ones that are not useful .

Notes from today, and reading/blogging homework for Monday, October 22

Today we discussed the mechanics of database searching, including Boolean operators, nested searching, and phrase searching. The next time you’re using your favorite search engine, try some of these advanced search techniques and consider whether your results are more relevant than usual. Slides from today are available here.

On Monday, October 22 we move into the course segment on finding information and media. We’ll start with the basics of research process: needs assessment, preliminary strategies, and topic development.
Reading: Badke Ch. 2
Comment on at least one blog post

Your research topic proposal is due on Wednesday, October 24 at the beginning of class. I prefer documents emailed as attachments but will accept paper documents handed in at the beginning of class. Please get in touch if you want to discuss your ideas in advance of turning in the assignment.

~Prof. Leonard


Search engines


Im not sure how long ive been using digital information retrieval systems, but I do remember using computers eventually to look up books when the NYPL’s LEO system started up. The  Liddy article gave amazing insight as to how entered text is taken in, split apart, filtered and sent out, only to return with results in varying fashion. I didn’t take much away from the Berkley article on evaluating websites, because it only makes logical sense to take those things into consideration. 

Homework #9

After reading the article How a Search Engine Works i was surprised to see how many steps it  actually takes to create a search engine. Yahoo, Google and Bing which are just some of the search engines out there make everything so easy for us. Especially now when they track the things we search and give us search results that they believe is what we are looking for. Although sometimes we still spend long hours trying to find what we are really looking for, for the most part they are pretty spot on with the results they give us. But the result you get on the internet are not always and in detail as the ones in the books.

homework#9 – joey

While reading Badke I gained a bettwr understanding about databases and search engines.  The most important thing I learned is when searching for research remember to be precise on what your using to search.  The more detail you are with what you search the better the answers.  Badke gives an example of “rock” the term rock could be a solid object but also be used in the sense of rocking a chair.  Being general in a search would make your life harder in finiding the perfect information needed for your research.  Badke also provided websites that are great databases but given that the cuny library also has a great collection of databases for almost every type of research I find it better.


I found the article, How a Search Engine Works, interesting. I had no idea how steps it take to formality a search. A Google search takes only seconds. Now, Google search engine is kind of a mind reader. For example, if I want to search for ear ache, by time I am done typing ear, Google already provided me with a drop list of the most common search for ear. On the list there is, ear ache, ear dysfunction, or ear infection.  How can a process, which is broken down into four segments, then each segments has steps, be done so quickly?

Research Method on Internet

In the article” Database Search with Keywords and Hierarchies”, Badke discusses the methods of research on internet. In fact, the author tries to make folk be aware about the errors that must avoid in order getting exactly what we search for. I myself really enjoyed reading this article because I learned a lot from this reading. For instance, I was doing research last semester; because I did not know how to search on the web, I was force to randomly go through so many libraries to find what I needed. Thank to Badke’s book which provide several websites for research I’m sure that I won’t spend much time to find basic information I need for my research project.

Homework 8.

i would have to agree, search engines are really usefull, sometimes there less accurate then books but there 20x quicker. espically when doing home work and other stuff. what is your favorite search engine yahoo google bing or all they all the same to you. i prefer google. because it gives me the best answers. i liked my answer soo much i made it my blog post.

lol i was gonna do one on the presidential debate.