Monthly Archives: September 2012

History of Wikipedia

Reading the article “Charms of Wikipedia”, I found out a lot of information that I was not aware about it. For instance, the author explained how Wikipedia has become a great tool of research on the web. Next, the co-founder Jimmy, states that Wikipedia is addictive that many social networks such as facebook, You Tube, AOL and so on. Furthermore, I did know that anybody could add an article or propose a deletion of an editorial. However, Broughton stressed out on the quality of Wikipedia article. For example, he forbade the articles about personal feeling.

Besides, in the video “Social Media”, the author compares social media to ice cream which has been liberalized by its vendors, just to say that nowadays, everyone can give his opinion, get public opinion about an issue concerning all of us through the web.

Next, the article “Linked Data gives people power”, informs us that we can use data posted by bloggers on the web do several great things. For example, I have chosen Chemical Technology instead of Chemistry because according to data, it is easier to get chemical technology job than standard chemistry job

Homework 5.

I found the article of Wikipedia really interesting, because for the longest time i always used Wikipedia for research and looking up information. In high school  i was told most of the stuff on that website wasnt true. The editors get angry when you change a post on something that was created by a user. I got banned from editing on Wikipedia for such a stupid reason. My favorite sport is hockey im a rangers fan, so awhile back they traded for a bunch of people over the summer, so i figured i would update the roster on wikipedia and, i guess the so called “Editors” did not like that and warned me that if i do that again id be barred from posting. and they changed my revisions. So a few weeks later i did it again cause it still was not fixed and i got barred from editing stuff on Wikipedia with my account. Some people edit for the wrong reason, like how that bedbugs post was changed to “BED BUGS MOTHER FUCKER THEY GON GET YO MOTHA FUCKING ASS BRAAAAAAAT FOOL BRAAAAAAAAAAAAAP.

Overall i thought the article was good, and learned dont edit  something on there even if its clean.

homework #5 the charms of wikipedia

Wikipedia has been around for as long as I can remember. I do not use it for educational school research purposes, due to its inaccuracy, but rather for my own personal knowledge on a subject . Nicholas Baker points out many negative and positive aspects of using/editing wikipedia, in his article Charms of Wikipedia. The negative aspect is that anyone can enter the site and edit any articles with invalid information. The positive aspect is that one can enter and discuss topics of their interest and share useful information that others can build on. It is a place where editors can formulate their knowledge to hopefully become a reliable source to others. Because of its vandalism, it reminds us that wikipedia is not a commercial product. It gives one the satisfaction of “fame” so to speak, because people spend hours days and decades editing and publishing their information on Wikipedia. Others view your information and, if it is a notable, can use it as a reliable source.

Homework 4.

The Zenes were really interesting. all of these different people are out there to make a name for themselves. weather it be via news or the just a good book review or article of a favorite interested. the best one i read was about the local pizza shops in nyc, because i liked pizza and enjoyed reading the users different reviews.

Homework #5 – Charles Baculima-Castillo

In, “The Charms Of Wikipedia” article, I know that Wikipedia is a website that pretty much acts like an encyclopedia. I can search anything I want and there will be an article based on the subject I searched. I find this website very helpful for homework and personal research. The growth of Wikipedia is very appealing to me because I’ve been using Wikipedia for years now; when the website was on its early stages and wasn’t popular at the time since it was new. Now throughout the years, Wikipedia has expanded so much and received recognition. As a result, it gained a huge audience and the website has undergone through several changes and revisions not only to their articles but to the website itself, like the homepage and menu bars. I find this very convenient, personally, because as Wikipedia grows, so does the content it carries. A few years ago, I remember I used to get frustrated when Wikipedia didn’t have articles on subjects I wanted to find and learn about. Now, in today’s world, the website has an article on almost anything; whether that ranges from music genres, movies, celebrities, food, hardware, to languages, politics, government, history, etc. I also felt that Wikipedia wasn’t just a website, but more like an online community data base, where anyone can contribute to the website. I’m a user of Wikipedia and I’ll proudly say that I also contributed to the website by adding content to articles that I have a great interest in and am very knowledgeable in.

Readings and blogging homework for Wednesday, September 19

I hope you all learned a lot and enjoyed the presentation by my esteemed colleagues Prof. Smale and Prof. Thomas. I’m sorry I could not be there to join the discussion.

On Wednesday, September 19, we will discuss Web 2.0 and participatory media. Please read the following:

Web 2.0 from Wikipedia
Baker, The Charms of Wikipedia
Fischetti, The web turns 20: Linked data gives people power
Social Media in Plain English (video)

Your blogging assignment is one reading response blog post, due by 10 a.m. on the day of our next class meeting.

Please be aware that while classes are cancelled on Monday, September 17 and Tuesday, September 18, the college and library are OPEN.

See you next week,

Prof. Leonard

Homework 3 – Digital Media and its distribution

As an audio and video engineer, and also a producer,I’ve seen first hand the arguments presented by Radiohead and Elton.  It seems to me however that the fault still lays on the labels, specifically the major ones, whose abuses in the past have turned off many people to their necessity. Excessive markups and huge profits compared to the same artists who’ve brought them said money, is unfair, to say the least. I feel like this is something that can be worked on, like Elton said, if they so desire. Right now, they seem to have their nose in the air. The Pavlik reading brought an interesting idea to mind regarding a media guide. I’d like to see how that could happen but again it would seem to require cooperation by the video hosts themselves, the new record labels and tv studios if you will.

Homework # 4- Zine

From reading the 3 links, i have come to a conclusion that all zines are strictly made as a smaller “Mood Board”. Companies always liked to make zines even tho they bring back low profit and most people think its a waste of money. However if presented and showcased correctly a zine can do your campaign a great service but to have a decent zine, you have to look up good examples and really understand a zine’s purpose. In the creative thinking link that was posted i think the author said it best when he stated ” If we are interested in understanding the world, we need to ask serious questions about the institutions that teach us about that world.” That statement can also be related to zine’s in a way where, if someone wanted to make a zine that was worth making then they have to understand why and how a zine works and what people look for in a zine. That is the big difference in between making a Mood board and a real professional looking article that looks like its straight out of a newspaper.

Homework #4 Alternate press/Zines

There are many forms of press used in today’s times and some are removing others in the process. Some people enjoy reading the news, now since you can access the news straight from your computer at home a person no longer needs to leave their house to get information. With this can slowly decrees the amount of newspapers being distributed, but the online subscription would increase. The same goes for books as well because instead of carrying some heavy book they could just download a pdf straight to their Ipad or tablet and read on a light weight device.

For Zines I believe that they do have a place in this world of today. They are usually a small designed book with information about what ever the author feels is necessary and wants readers to read about. With zines being in mainstream circles people can get more of an audience to read them and can continue to pass the word around.

Reno A H.W. #4

Zines is great for people who like to express their creativity and explore other people thought and opinion. The topic can be about anything, there no limitation, no rules, it’s anything goes. Zines can be forming any format you want and people can’t criticize it. Zine is great way to see people with the same interest with musician, artist, or different kind of people and can interact with their topic. Zine is mostly like blogging in way where you can your ideas by writing or pictures. Zine does help bring new and creative ideas and help inspire new upcoming thinkers.