Monthly Archives: December 2019

LL#11- Magazine Cover Shoot

The shoot today was fun, but a little difficult. Posing was a little frustrating, trying to figure out the best pose. Not only trying to figure out the best pose, but trying to guide my model to create it. The lighting was good enough, but in hindsight, maybe I would’ve liked to explore more with it. The shooting session was shorter than usual, but I still got the shot I needed.

Learning Log #11 Magazine Cover Shoot

In today’s lesson we learned how to make a magazine cover using all of the tools and things we learned in the beginning of the semester. I enjoyed this lesson as always because we got to be creative and different with what we learned throughout the semester. I chose Uptown Magazine as my inspiration predominately because it’s a black owned magazine cover. Originally I had chose Essence Magazine but the “Uptown” logo’s color scheme was very vibrant and a warm color tone. What I struggled with today was very minor things such as positioning the photo, putting my two models together so they can fit the frame and last but not least LIGHTING! I expected the light source to be a little bit brighter and the background a little bit softer. Overall, I enjoyed this lesson today and I would love to edit more and see how far this magazine cover will go.


I chose a TIME magazine as my template for this assignment. I really enjoyed working on this assignment. it was a enjoyable experience to work with these people, getting the right photos to match the concept of what I wanted for this cover. i really thought the color and lighting tone I chose for this photo really matched the tone for this cover shot.

Learning log 11-Magazine shoot

Today’s shoot was pretty chill, we got to be more free to explore/develop our ideas. For today this is the final product of my idea. Rolling Stone is known for just being yourself and being able to express yourself. To execute this shot my idea revolved around having a male subject (christian my partner) and I had him do different poses and face expressions until we found the right one. The theme is a student trying to survive college.

Learning Log #11: Cover Magazine

For this learning log, I choose to do the People Cover Magazine. I wanted to photograph two models to make it different from just doing a single portrait. The only thing I wish I could have make my photo better is to move the light behind the model because his glasses is reflecting the light. On photoshop, I only make the background darker and make the models a little brighter so they pop out more.