Monthly Archives: September 2019

Learning Log #4 Flash/Ambient


These photo was interesting to take. These photo was taking but depending on where the light is going to be but also making it look a little darker as well. But mostly all the time we have to check if the light if its in the right spot or not and also how the photo looks on the camera so we can change. Using the flash to create more light definitely makes a huge difference on the photo.

Learning Log #4 – Flash/Ambient

For today’s shoot we worked with the speed light and played around with portraits. I shot Jay and Aaron in various locations such as under the bridge and in the park around nature. In the first photo, I placed Jay at an angle and directed one of my teammates to place the light on the top left corner where there was more shadows to even out the darks and lights. Next, I saw an opportunity to place one of my teammates on a Revel scooter. This time around I decided to create a rough, manly image and told him to channel his inner biker out. The light was punchier which allowed me to create a contrasted photo depicting more shadows on the right side of his face. The last photo was in the park, I knew I wanted to incorporate green and nature into it.

Learning Log #4 Flash/Ambient

These are my 3 best photographs. When I first took this phots, the background was too bright because of the sun. I have to lower my iso to 100 and use ambient light. The first two photograph I use the flash without the umbrella and creates a interesting light and shadow from the gate. The last photo is when I use the umbrella and see if the soft light will create something good and it didn’t. The photo was dark and it didn’t create the light and shadow that I wanted like the other two.

Homework #3 Photoville

I visited photoville last Sunday. There’s tons of photos with different colors, contrast, stories, and compositions. This one that I’ve seen stood out to me at the event. The reason why because this the only photo that I’ve seen with illustrations. The black and white really brings out the contrast. Im not sure who’s “Ruler Rick” but I feel like the illustrations match with his character.

Homework #3 PhotoVille.

























These were top five photos I took at PhotoVille, and I loved it. I struggled with the focus of the photo and light source. The light was shining so bright and when I would bring the light down it would be too dark so I was a bit difficult. I believe that these photos came out great, in my opinion. The first image I chose this because of the light source it warm lighting in a way. I had taken a second shot of the first image it was very dark contrast but I felt as if it was a bit harsh. In the second image, I love how the sunlight hit the photo because it actually went with it. How the light source went from dark to light really interested me in a way. In the third photo, I just loved the concept of young and happy and old and prideful. The light source for this was taken a bit dark intentionally to give the photo more of a mystery look and feel to it and I also wanted to add a bit of life for a sense of “hope” in a way. In the fourth photo, that was by accident but I admired the little loop blur it gave me because it looks like the person was in multiple places at the same time and you can see a bit of the photo in the back. The last photo, I admired as well, just wanted it to have a little bit of a high contrast to it to give it a more feel to it. But i enjoyed the low – high contrast in these photos, just wished they could have been a bit more focused and the light source could be a little bit high.

Homework #3 Photoville

I went to Photoville on Sunday and saw a lot of great images. I am more drawn to portraits, so my majority of my time there I spent looking at galleries of portraits. A set that stuck out to me the most was that of portraits of women in government, I believe it was sponsored by the New York Times. All the portraits were very beautiful, and used elements of composition. Which included fill the frame and eye dominant. I really enjoyed it and wish I had more time to listen to some of the speaking events going on.

Homework #3 Photoville


I went to photoville on Saturday with my friend. And both of us really stopped our way and had a moment to see this work. It is by Josh Haner, a photographer at The New York Times. The color scheme of the photos is just really nice, and the composition in the third photo is amazing. But then I noticed that the photos are about the effects of climate change in greenland. It had brought awareness through beautiful artwork, reminding the audience that we won’t be able to see the beauty of nature in the future but just in the photos.


Sophia Kim