Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Tag: WEEK 9 (Page 3 of 3)

Week 9 Sketchbook

It is Halloween! It is Halloween!
Halloween is almost here. Do you like monsters? Ghouls, goblins, or ghosts?

Halloween promotion piece by Professor Schoenbrun

Based on our warm-up exercise you will be filling 3 pages in your sketchbook with Fall and Halloween-themed drawings. Here are some ideas. Try some color, collage, or ink!

  • Draw some creatures, monsters, or mythical beasts. They could be scary, terrifying, or cute.
  • Halloween character designs.
  • Draw some kids in costumes.
  • Design a Halloween costume you would wear as an adult or kid.
  • Fill a page with some spooky lettering.
  • Draw a haunted house, kids trick or treating, or an outside scene of a house decorated.
  • Draw a trick or draw a treat.
  • Draw a spooky dream.

(Make sure to watch The Nightmare Before Christmas sometime soon if you haven’t seen it yet. The character designs are very quirky and fun. It’s a stop-motion masterpiece by the artist Tim Burton. This was filmed in 1993. )

Assignment 2, Part 4

Tight Sketches Sketches to Color Studies.

Reminder: Your composition can be vertical, horizontal square, round, etc.

  • Assignment 2, Editorial Illustration part 4
    • Using any combination of Pencil, Ink, Collage, or Digital techniques create a limited-color palate illustration.  
    • You will start with digital rough color studies before going to the final art. Color studies are the step before your final.
    • How do you create a color palette?
      You can “steal” a palette as discussed in class. Look at books, artwork, other illustrations, and photography. Come up with your own. Or look to color theory for inspiration.
  • Color resources and inspiration
    Adobe color wheel
    Color maker
    Wes Anderson Color (steal from a film still)
Sam Bosma, Final Illustration for Plan Sponsor Magazine with digital color palate

Wes Andersen Color palette samples


  1. Create 2-3 color roughs. These can be messy! You can have two versions or more started and you will work more in class on your final which will be due the following week. Post your progress in Openlab. Discuss where you got your color inspiration from or what the different palettes are inspired by.
  2. You must use some color. If you have a really good argument for black and white you can do one version in black and white or greyscale and another with color added.
  3. We will have class time next week to work and finish up your final art by the end of class or over the weekend.
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