Professor Diana Schoenbrun | COMD 3313 | SP22

Tag: WEEK 13 (Page 2 of 2)

Final Poster is due by our final class on December 16.

Final Project: Part 3

1. The poster should be in color unless you can make an argument for a black-and-white version.
2. The poster should be posted on Openlab and also printed in color.
3. The poster should include the title and director’s name. You can use lettering or typography. Or a mix of both.

Final Project: Part 2

This was Week 13 homework. But you should still do a color study upon completing your final art.

Color Study

  1. Work on a color study to decide on your color palette. Do 2 color roughs.
  2. Work on typography and lettering for the film title and director’s name.
    I suggest using Illustrator or Indesign to add type. You can use a placeholder font for now and talk to me in class about a font to use.
  3. Bring in your color your mock-up with type roughly placed for next week.
    You will have additional time to work in class so bring your files.
    Remember the final poster can be traditional media or digital.
  4. Post to Openlab>Activities>Final Project>Film poster, Week 13

Final Poster is due by our final class on December 16.

Final file prep

Due December 16th


At the end of the semester, you will need to send files of your work. This will be due on December 16th. (You will not receive your grades unless you send your work.) The department asks to see student work so you will need to send the following.

  1. Create a folder with your name.( ex: DianaSchoenrbrun_Illustration1)
  2. Create three folders labeled Spots, Editorial, Movie Poster
  3. Save a hi res, 300 dpi file(RGB is fine), jpg or tiff of each project.
    For Assignment 1 you can send all the spots on 1 page.
  4. Label the files with your name and project. For example:


Create a pdf of the sketchbook assignments after the midterms. See below.

label the pdf

Week 8

Week 9

Week 10

Week 11 (scroll down)

Place this pdf inside your folder with your name.

Zip the folder Firstname_lastname_Illustration1

Send me the files via wetransfer, via drop box, or google drive.

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