A visit at the 1 hotel.


Stewarding standards: are responsible for everything involved in the experience of a fine dining establishment,besides cooking the food.

Housekeeping standard: are responsible for preparing rooms for guest occupancy,providing laundry services and maintains the cleanliness of the hotel. To help increase professionalism and solidify a commitment to properly training staff.

Turn-down service: is where housekeeping staff enters the guest room and turning down the bed linen of the bed in the room, preparing the bed for use.

FAM Trip: means familiarization trip and is a free or low cost trip that travel agents are provided by travel operators. It’s a way for the agents to gain an understanding of the benefits of a different trips that they can sell to their clients.

This is the stairs of the 1 hotel that looks exactly like the Brooklyn bridge. I thought it was cool for them to be able to do build this while they are next to the Brooklyn bridge.

This is the stairs that you will see when u are in the lobby of the 1 hotel. It’s built just like the Brooklyn bridge which I thought it was nice for them to actually have the same thing next to the Brooklyn bridge itself.

Apples for the guest by the 1 staff hotel.

I thought it was nice for the 1 hotel to think about their guest to have apples right by the elevator before they go up to their room.


A light shade made out of mushroom .

This is hand made mushroom which is used for as a light shade. I thought that was different because they reuse everything and they believe in recycling.

I haven’t seen such a thing before

This is a rubber tire which was collected to make an art out of it.


Networking at 1 Hotel

After visiting the 1 Hotel last week, I immediately felt big ambition and inspiration in becoming a part of the project. As someone who has great interest for the environment and ecology, I was positive that this hotel is everyhting I ever wanted, and if hopefully my dream of having my own property realizes, it would look much alike our amazing 1 Hotel! Every idea and expression look carefully and thoroughly planned and created, and it simply inspires me. If Hospitality wasn’t my first choice, then Ecology would certainly be that. I made a plan to come back to 1 Hotel, after my summer break, and do everything in my power to be recognized as a prospect for becoming a part of this family, and growing professionaly.

Site Visit by Vasiliy and Innbel

A historic site, which was the birth place of modern New York City, and one of the biggest tourist attractions

1 Hotel, with no doubt a fantastic place to work and grow professionally

By the main entrance, a true expression of hospitality. Upon entering something is offered to you, as the cherished guest.

The property’s restaurant, where farm to table specialties are offered at any time, to everyone. One of the best brunch places in town.


Percantage of all units in the hotel that are occupied at a given time. It is one of the main indexes used in Hotel Management. And considered as the most important factor for a hotelier. Occupancy at the 1 Hotel was around 65% that day.


Average Daily Rate, or just ADR, is another main index in hotel business. The number represents the average income per paid occupied room in a given time period. It is the foundation for property’s financial performance. 1 Hotel had an ADR of about 380$.

Room Block:

A block reservation refers to a group of rooms reserved for a specific customer, usually for a set period of time.

Revenue Management:

Hotel revenue management is about becoming the architect of your own fortune. A hotel room is a perishable product, since the number of hotel rooms is limited. As a result, the customer satisfaction and pricing remain the most important dynamic variables, which are subject to Hotel Revenue Management.



All work and photo credits go to Vasiliy

1 Hotel by Kiara & Maria

  1.  Occupancy: The state of being a tenant in a space.
  2. FAM Trip: A low coast trip for travel agents provided by a travel operator in order to promote serves.
  3. Room Block: A room reserved for a specific guest.

Average Daily Rate: Is the average amount of profit a business facility  measures on a daily basis.

  • The one thing that I like about The Hotel 1 is how close to nature and calmness it had to it. the tings that I noticed are the amount of plants that is surrounded in the hotel. The view of the Brooklyn Bridge is a really wonderful cite to look at. There is also the fact that they try to make the most of what they have and have good use for them. For example, during the tour we were shown some of the amenities which are socks, a steamer, and cardboard hangers.
  1. Occupancy: Is the act of being a tenant.

  2. FAM Trip: A low coast trip for travel agents and is provided by a travel agent in order to promote their service.
  3. Average Daily Rate: The amount of profit that is made each day.
  4. Room Block: A room that is reserved for a special type of guest.

Feelings about the One Hotel

How did I feel about going to the One Hotel? in short I loved it. I have honestly never been to such a luxurious hotel. from the look down to the smell in the corridors, everything is planned and kept up with nicely. all the staff were polite and everything was set up so perfectly. it had a great combination of luxury upscale and comfort. one of the best accents were the floor to ceiling windows that let in a ton of light. I loved their commitment to being environmentally friendly and sustainable and that is obvious in the construction and everyday functions of the hotel. They even push their guests to do the same. The One Hotel was absolutely beautiful. I hope to work in some place similar or even stay at a hotel just like that one.

One Hotel visit by Daniela and Daniel

This week in class we visited the beautiful One Hotel at Brooklyn Bridge. Walking around with my partner Daniel, we were able to pick up on key industry terms and point out important things to look for in a hotel.

  • Average Daily Rate: the average daily rate is the average price a hotel is charging for a room on a given day. Although I cannot remember the average daily rate exactly I remember it was between $300-400.
  • FAM trip: stands for familiarization trip. It is a trip you take somewhere to get familiarized with the the operations of an establishment. Our trip to the hotel was a FAM trip.
  • Housekeeping standards: housekeeping standards can vary depending on the brand and market of the hotel. The one hotel has high standards in everything including housekeeping and that was obvious in the suite we visited and the untouched event spaces.
  • Occupancy: occupancy is the percentage of all rooms occupied at a given time. I don’t remember the occupancy rate at the One Hotel but it was over 50%.

This is one of the many amenities at the hotel. A hammock set up by a huge window in the corner of a room with a beautiful view. I have never seen that.

An example of the housekeeping standards. Perfect set up of an unused event space.

This is the restaurant on the premises of the hotel.

There is significant historical importance to the area. A potential draw for some tourists.





*All photo credits to Daniela Brito

Hotel 1 Visit – Weronika & Nicolette

Terms : 

  1. Occupancy – The action or fact of occupying a place
  2. Average Daily Rate – Is a statistical unit that is often used in the lodging industry. The number represents the average rental income per paid occupied room in a given time period.
  3. FAM TRIP – Trip for travel agents or consultants, provided by a travel operator or airline as a means of promoting their service.
  4. Turn-down Service – Refers to the practice of staff entering a guest’s room and “turning down” the bed linen of the bed in the room, preparing the bed for use.


When you first enter the hotel, you see a lot of plants and natural aspects that make the client feel welcomed and comfortable. There the guests can stay in the lounge unwind and enjoy their surroundings. With the wall to ceiling windows providing plenty of natural light, make the lounge feel refreshing and calm.

The location where the Hotel 1 is located, in right on the Brooklyn pier. It has a beautiful view of the city, and Brooklyn bridge while the guests stay. On the pier, couples put locks up as memories and make it a loving envoirment.

Also, all guests and tourists/visitors can relax and enjoy the entertainment on the pier. This gives the guests an opportunity to go explore and unwind to some good music by Bargemusic. This is preformed on the boat.

Hotel 1 has a beautiful master suite. With big beautiful windows that have a very clear visual of the City and Brooklyn bridge. Exposed bathroom and all natural aspects are included in the room that give the clients a peace of mind and zen. This is the perfect room for anyone that enjoys the view of the hustle and bustle of the city while relaxing the organic all natural room!



@” The 1 Hotel ” by Andre Goines & Kristina Medich

This week our class went on a field trip to ” The 1 hotel” located in Brooklyn, NY. When our class arrived we were immediately greeted and began our tour through out the hotel; below are the things that stood out to us as guests


The hotel is located in the Dumbo neighborhood right near the Dumbo pier; You have access to stellar views of the historic Brooklyn bridge & one world trade center right outside your window



this hotel has a restaurant located on the ground floor and is available to serve guests whether they lodge or not. the décor has a homely feel to it giving off that traditional restaurant vibe


Residing here as guest; gives you access to the gym located on the second floor. luckily The amenities’ do not end at the gym;
“The 1 Hotel” has a vast selection of amenities’ for all guest such as Wi-Fi, complementary snacks, and iPad for each room to call upon room service and or concierges

expression of hospitality

An expression of unique hospitality that was very present to us was the hammock located in the pent house suite we visited next; this and the other amenities displays the hotels intentions of making sure your stay at this hotel shouldn’t differ from what you are used to at home

Some terms that we saw in ” The 1 Hotel ” that are still new to us were

-Occupancy: the difference between rooms used by guest and the available rooms usually written in a ratio

-Average Daily Rate: more commonly known as ” ADR” is the average price of a room sold each day

-Executive committee: A group of staff & individuals with very high positions who makes grand scale decision on the behalf of the hotel owner

– Room block: when a guest lodging within the hotel reserves a conference and or entertainment  room for a private event and or social gathering

What did you like/dislike about the site visit to The 1 Hotel?         

What I like about The 1 Hotel is that they are a  sustainable hotel. It has a touch of nature that makes it more interesting. The rooms are amazing, they have a very beautiful view. Something that caught my attention was that in the rooms they use tablets that the guests use to be able to communicate with the cast members in case they need something , so they do not have to be calling by phone. In the rooms, they also have recyclables  trash cans so that during the stay of the guests, they learn how to recycle. The room we visit  the ceiling is made of mushroom that was molded and dried. Another thing that I like is the amenity of receiving their guests with fruits , it seemed something very original for me. The cast members were very friendly , always with a smile.

The 1 Hotel, Site Visit. (Louie and Gin)

Room Block – An agreement with both parties reserving a time, meeting, and place for conventions to take place. Can also block rooms if some are unavailable. 

Occupancy – Refers to how many rooms were occupied versus the total available space.

Average Daily Rate – The given profit made for EVERY room daily.

Executive Committee – Usually in a much more busier hotel. An executive committee consists of higher up managers giving order and regulation to the employees.


When you first enter the lobby of The 1 Hotel, on the right is a very beautiful lounge for guests to use for either work or just to relax. It’s decorated with plants and comfortable furniture to make the guest feel at ease.

This restaurant is located inside of the hotel. Actually, this opened up recently prior to when the hotel first opened. This is available to everyone not only providing food, but a good view for the guests.

Right outside is a view of the city and bridges. This is a perfect tourist attraction because not only will they be relaxing and eating, but they can also see the view of one of the best cities in the world. The 1 Hotel made a good decision picking this location because right outside is also DUMBO.

I thought this was a very nice sign of Hospitality. The lobby offered apples to all guest, but this stood out to me. In my mind it symbolizes a well giving and nourishing too all those in need.