Category: Weekly Assignment Response (Page 5 of 10)


After you have chosen a  TOPIC for Project 2. Record your topic here! Check to see if Prof. C approved the topic! 

Then using what we learned from the in-class reading “Freewriting Exercises” by Peter Elbow, Free write on your topic. Write a 100-250 word free write on your topic. You do not have to do any research, just write what comes to mind! Here are the two questions you should use to drive your writing: What do you know about the topic? What would you like to learn about the topic? 

Please respond by replying to this post.

Description of Artifact

My artefact from my discourse community would be the many memes and text we share over our group chat . This is my artefact because those are the little things that maintain the chat. It is not really related to school but it sustains our friendship and relieves the heaviness trouble of school . The artefact contains traces of ethos and pathos  when we could have been in a serious discussion of school and trying to make sense of something when one of the members of the group chat finds it in herself to disrupt the order of things by texting something funny. One of us could have stressed and that one joke lighting the atmosphere. The tone of the artefact is informal because it is a group chat where we share everything and nothing.

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