Category: Weekly Assignment Response (Page 4 of 10)

Free writing

My mother wanted to be a pediatric nurse, and she didn’t go through it, but instead became a preschool teacher, so growing up, I’ve always been exposed to children and prone to looking after children. Everyone always thought that if I wanted to, I would become a caring nurse. What made me go through this is when I watched a documentary on how black women were treated in the maternity aspects of health care .Nurses are an inspiration because they do it for the love of the profession. … I’m inspired to become a nurse because when I’m in the hospital, a caring, dedicated nurse will be there to help every step of the way. 

WEEK 6 WEEKLY ASSIGNMENT (Thurs. March 11th)

What you KNOW/  What you want to LEARN! 

1. Come up with 5 facts that you already KNOW about your discourse community. Important information that will help you as you begin this research project.

2. Come up with at least 5 things you would like to learn more about your discourse community.

Remember we are using these as our driving questions:

What impact do you want to have on your community? 

What changes do you want to make in the world to benefit your community? 

You can think of the Problem/ Solution in two ways: 

What is a problem in your discourse community do you think needs to be fixed? 


How do you think your discourse community can help address a problem in your community / world?

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