“I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye” by Ta-Nehisi Coates


Please read “I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye” Ta-Nehisi Coates and write a response to the questions below. I prefer it if you respond to this post directly, but if you choose you may create a new post.

Link to Reading: “I’m Not Black, I’m Kanye”

DUE March, 16th


  • What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you find any parts interesting? Did you learn something new?
  • Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
  • What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it?
  • Can you figure out the specific genre of article of this piece (opinion, scientific, feature, news, etc)?
  • What did you notice about how the author wrote this piece? Maybe the tone (formal, informal, humorous, casual, etc), or the use of ethos (statistics and facts) or the use of pathos (emotion) or the use of logos (logic)?
  • What stands out to you– what do you like/ dislike about this writer’s style?  What are you confused by? What do you want to know more about? Pay special attention to how this author uses research (outside facts, statistics, history, news, interviews) etc in their writing.
  • What did you learn from reading this article? How did this author use research? How do they use personal experience?

Then, write a response to another classmate’s post!



  1. Hamely Jose Taveras

    What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you find any parts interesting? Did you learn something new?
    I found this piece very interesting but a little confusing. Almost felt like if we were free writing. There were many ideas in the article and it made it a little confusing to focus on what the author was actually saying. I found it interesting when we explain how Michael Jackson was destroying himself and how he destroys other people. It pretty cool how well inform the writer seems. I didn’t like it because it was very confusing and long.
    Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
    I think the intended audience of this piece is society. The author you want to call the attention of Kanye West and society. A possible audience is black people.
    What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it
    The purpose of this text is to explain how fame changes people but how the life of the famous also impacts everyone else. Like how he wishes Kanye to notice that he is destroying himself.
    Can you figure out the specific genre of article of this piece (opinion, scientific, feature, news, etc)?
    The genre of this article is an opinion article.
    What did you notice about how the author wrote this piece? Maybe the tone (formal, informal, humorous, casual, etc), or the use of ethos (statistics and facts) or the use of pathos (emotion) or the use of logos (logic)?
    I notice that this article is like an opinion article. His tone was informative but casual, like informal. The author uses many facts to become more credible about how everything impacted him. He uses pathos explaining how he got when he had a little fame how fame change people. He uses the logo by analyzing West’s idea of freedom and how his freedom is white freedom.
    What stands out to you– what do you like/ dislike about this writer’s style? What are you confused by? What do you want to know more about? Pay special attention to how this author uses research (outside facts, statistics, history, news, interviews) etc in their writing.
    I really like that he has a lot of facts and how he uses the fact to support his writing. Personally, I dislike the structure of the writing like we make it a little hard to understand. So many ideas being trowed arounded.
    What did you learn from reading this article? How did this author use research? How do they use personal experience?
    I learn that writing is very interesting. I learn that writing can e unique. The author uses research to support his idea but also making him more credible because of how informed he seems.

  2. mustapha

    I thought the text was pretty interesting because I never viewed Michael Jackson as most other people viewed probably because I was growing up during the decline of his career. The intended audience for this article are regular black/minority people as well as people that are black, but believe they’re above being black, like Kanye. The specific genre of this article is part factual and part opinion. I say this because throughout multiple parts of the article they allow their emotions on trump to shine through and that is how she mainly judges Kanye West. Something that I learned from this writing is that there are actually a lot of people like Kanye, in how they could support someone or something that is detrimental to the advancement of black people, but when they’re in a bind, expect the black people to uplift them.

    • Hamely Jose Taveras

      Interestingly, you found this text interesting. I also agree that the intended audience is black people and people like Kanye. I also think this is text is an opinion article. I also think the author shows a lot of emotion especially about trump and his personal experience in life.

    • Arian Qosaj

      I also thought that the piece was interesting and that the genre is opinion based.

    • Pedro Flores

      I agree that the audience was for the black people and how the and I also agree with the genre

  3. Annie

    This article wasn’t that fun because the author was confusing and then he start his essay by insinuating that Michael jackson wanted to be white I don’t understand why he compared Michael Jackson to Kanye West, but it doesn’t seem like a reasonable comparison; even after changing his appearance to look white Michael continued to pursue social justice throughout his career through his albums, videos, appearances, and interviews demonstrating that race is more than skin color. Insinuating that the ideas that those artist presented and their beliefs wrong to fit the author own messy feelings about them is clearly unprofessional. But somehow i disagree with the author says about Kanye West In this piece, I believe Coates exaggerated Kanye’s importance. Even though Kanye’s music and brand have been hugely successful, they do not represent him as an individual or even god.

  4. Tenzin Namgyal

    I found this piece rather boring, it was also quite difficult for me to understand. It felt as if he was just writing on and on. I believe the intended audience is the black community. And his purpose of the text is how the actions of famous people can affect so many others. The genre of this article is non fiction and also opinionated. This is because throughout the article although a lot of the things stated are factual there are glimpses of emotion and judgement. The authors tone was informative but like I said before it included some of his own opinions on certain aspects. Something I like about the authors style of writing is that he is very well informed in what he is writing about, but at the same time I did not like reading this article because it was written in very confusing way ( for me at least ). What I learned from this article is that the way “god” like celebrities represent themselves whether it be looks, political views and many other things it has a huge impact because of all the fans they have. Sometimes these celebrities’ might do or say something that hurts their communities instead of helping it.

    • Christina Bethelmy

      I also thought the author was very opinionated yet still very informed in what he is writing about.

  5. Kevin Yu

    – I find this article interesting yet wordy, the author expresses himself a lot by talking about famous singers and artists.

    – The intended audience is people who get discriminated against by their looks, skin, etc.

    – The purpose of this text is to show how fame can affect you in different ways for example Kanye is a powerful figure and he represents someone who wants to overcome the standards of society, that he is who he is and not what society paints. Yet with all this power and fame comes with a cost of power-hungry, more fame, more trends and the rest follows.

    – The article is more opinion-based.

    – The tone seemed to be more casual, he used ethos pretty well by writing about his past and how he saw these figures rising up from a society that always looked down on them, that they will never be apart of society and that you are less of them, but they proved society wrong and rose to that challenge.

    – I liked that the author wrote about his past life and gave great examples but the author talks too much and I start to lose focus on the reading. The pictures in this case mean a thousand words and I feel like the pictures sum up the ideas that the author is trying to say
    but overall I did enjoy the author’s work.

    – I learned that using writing can express you in more ways than one and that you can use words to empower your feelings towards others, the author used research to help his credibility to make his piece even stronger by using reliable sources, he used personal experience to convey pathos and I can understand what he went through because I also have similar experiences like the author.

  6. Arian Qosaj

    I found this piece interesting but a little wordy as well. The intended audience of this piece are people of color. The purpose of this text is to show how fame affects people differently and how it can change the way a person is like. The genre of this article is more of an opinion. I noticed that the authors tone was formal and causal, he explained everything in a straightforward manner. He talks a lot about Michael Jackson and Kanye West. One thing that stands out to me is that the author uses facts to talk about how society is like and how when people have to change who they are to fit in a particular society it’s seen as something negative because no one should have to change the way they are. I learned that writing is an important aspect in people’s lives since there are many ways to express your emotions and thoughts about what is important to you.

  7. Elma Kastrat

    1. I found this piece interesting. There were a lot of ideas and it was hard to focus on all of them and catch all of them but in general it was interesting. I found it interesting when he was talking about Michael Jackson and when he was talking about how before there were MTV, YouTube, etc.

    2. I think the intended audience of this piece is black people, and their society.

    3. The purpose of this piece is to show us how fame can influence and change people. That people try to be someone who they are not and become part of a different society.

    4. I think the genre of this piece is an opinion essay or like a news article about someone who’s trying to be famous.

    5.I notice that this piece is mostly opinion piece because the author is trying to show us what he thinks and what’s going on around him. The tone of the author is informal, casual. The author uses a lot of facts to explain everything. I like how he explained what people do to get freedom and how he explained different types of freedom. In addition, how he compared Michael Jackson and Kanye West.

    6. I like that the author used so many different facts to show us the story in the best way. I just didn’t like the structure of the piece because there is a lot of information in one place and it wasn’t divided into subheadings or something like that, so it was hard to catch all the information.

    7. I learned that writing is important for our lives and it can impact us in different ways. It helps us to show who we are for real and that it’s very nice to put on paper our emotions and things which are hard to say through speaking.

  8. Hanting Hu

    I find the exciting part in “I’m not black, I’m Kanye” has an accessible writing style. I think the intended audience of the piece is people of color. This text aims to gain attention and profit after becoming famous. I think the author wrote it because being a celebrity and their behavior need a positive impact on many other people. The author wrote this piece Views and insights. I wouldn’t say I like this article. The structure of this writing makes it difficult for me to understand the main points. The author uses facts and emotions to make his work more influential.

  9. Isael Castillo

    I found this story interesting but some confusing. We all know Kanye in some way, he is an outspoken person, I felt that the author didn’t organize his ideas. I think the intended audience is people of color. The purpose of this story is to show how fame can change and influence someone’s life. How fame makes you be someone differently them what you were. The genre of this story I think is opinion-based about understanding fame. I noticed that the story is opinion-based, the tone he uses is casual. The author uses facts to explain his point of view. One thing that stands out is how the author didn’t structure his ideas. I learned how important writing is in people life’s and how it can impact someone’s view. Since there a lot of ways to express emotions into writing.

  10. Christina Bethelmy

    I think this piece is really interesting and very excessive in the author’s writing. The intended audience is more towards people of color. The purpose of this text is to explain how becoming famous can almost change you into a more of a different kind of person than you were before the fame. The genre of this article feels very opinionated and the author still makes his points throughout this article while he mentions his opinions on Michael Jackson and Kanye West. I also learned that writing can be a great way to present how you feel and how to claim your thoughts and opinions as your own and show how serious or important it is to you.

  11. Shaniyah

    This reading was a bit confusing maybe because its written for older people in the black community. This is a non fiction piece even though their is facts included they are into disregarded by opinionated statements. The author wrote in a pretty confusing manner it was hard for me to process a sentence I just read. However I think the main point trying to be made is that celebrities have a bigger impact on things because of this huge fan base they have outside counting on them, and watching them . The article gives a glimpse of the real world of fame, well behind scenes. With fame comes fan and with fans come attention which all these things combined together can change a person for the good or for the bad. I wanted to discuss the title of the article a bit. I think it’s power in the statement, ” I’m Not Black I’m Kayne” a title like this lets me known that the author is going to be discussing a brave topic that much people would never take the spin on. It’s such a bold and unique title just like the writing that I feel even reads like a eulogy for something “lost”. The thing that’s “lost” is in the readers eye’s to determine.

  12. Pedro Flores

    -I found this article interesting because I like the way the author started by telling a story about his childhood.
    -I Feel like this was intended for the black community.
    -I think the purpose of this to show us how these celebrities and being famous could help change the world. With their fame, they can use their voice to make changes.
    – I would say the genre is a historical time/ opinion.
    – I would say that he was informative and formal. I feel like this reading was a lot of information and it was a little hard for me to keep but I managed.

  13. Avante Alvarez

    I found it interesting that it started off talking about Micheal Jackson wanting to be white that why he changed his skin color when he really just has vitiligo, a skin condition that change the pigmentation of his skin. plus MJ was very public about not seeing the color of people just personality one of his biggest song are about that. the intended audience is for people of color to not forget where they come from. this is a opinion based article.

  14. BrandonP

    What did you think of the piece? Be honest! Did you find any parts interesting? Did you learn something new?
    I found this piece very interesting but boring at the same time. I also felt the writer was just all over the place. It felt like the writer had to many things to say and couldn’t keep up.

    Who do you think is the intended audience of the piece? Who is meant to read this text?
    I think the intended audience is society itself. The author also wants to ake it stand out to Kanye himself.

    What do you think is the purpose of this text? Why do you think the author wrote it
    The purpose of this text is to explain that the fam can change you as a person. However not only will it change you, but it will change your followers as they often want to be just like you.

    Can you figure out the specific genre of article of this piece (opinion, scientific, feature, news, etc)?
    The genre of this article is an opinion-based article.

    What did you notice about how the author wrote this piece? Maybe the tone (formal, informal, humorous, casual, etc), or the use of ethos (statistics and facts) or the use of pathos (emotion) or the use of logos (logic)?
    I notice that this article is like an opinion article. His tone was casual while trying to be very informative. The author uses many facts to explain how the fame and life he chose impacted him. He uses pathos to demonstrate how he was before when he had little to no fame to now with a lot of fame.

    What stands out to you– what do you like/ dislike about this writer’s style? What are you confused by? What do you want to know more about? Pay special attention to how this author uses research (outside facts, statistics, history, news, interviews) etc in their writing.
    I dislike the writing style the writer used however I do appreciate the facts used to back up the statements made.

    What did you learn from reading this article? How did this author use research? How do they use personal experience?
    I learned that writing isn’t entitled to one format. The author uses research to support his idea as well to back up everything he stated.

  15. Jeimi Bravo

    I have many mixed feelings about this article, there were parts I found interesting; but also boring and a little confusing, but I think it’s because I should have reread the article. I always listened to Michael Jackson when I was younger and it is interesting to be able to learn more about him.
    The intended audience for the text is the black community, they get discriminated against because of their physical experience and skin color.
    The purpose of the text is to inform others how fame can influence others, many influence change themselves and other celebrities make an impact in the world. The author wanted to describe how celebrities make a change within themselves and others.
    I think the genre of this text is an opinionated article but I am not so sure because there are some facts stated.
    I noticed there was a calm tone throughout the text, the author tried to be informative and the author even used ethos in the article.
    Something I don’t like was the way the author seemed to keep stating the same thing and just keep going because it did lose my attention at one point. There was not a lot I was confused by, the way he formatted his writing did make me a little uninterested so that could be something I disliked.
    I learned how writing can be expressed differently and that is something I keep learning every day. Writing is used in our everyday lives and it is important to be able to further that.

  16. Arlene Perez

    I did not really find the article interesting; I usually would not read that type of piece. The intended audience are the black/African American community. I think the purpose of this text is to explain how society looks up to celebrities and follow their every action, even the negative ones. I think the author wrote this article to explain how artists like Michael Jackson and Kanye West publicly destroyed themselves and how it impacted the black community. The article is an opinion-based one. The author’s tone is informal and very opinionated. The author used more of an emotional tone to the article, he expressed a pathos method. What stood out to me was how judgmental the author, Ta-Nehisi Coates, was towards Kanye West, Michael Jackson and President Trump.

  17. Kelvin Leon

    I find this article boring, just because it’s rather confusing to understand. I like to understand what I’m reading and to find a interesting storyline. The author simply expresses himself by just talking about famous singers/artists. He writes this piece for the people who are getting or have gotten discriminated on looks, skin, etc. The author speaks on fame effecting you in different ways. Which comes to my conclusion on this articles genre which I believe is opinion based article. The author wrote about his last life which I liked but couldn’t keep me to read more than half of his examples. I learned that you are able to express yourself in many different ways, for example writing. You can use your words to empower your feelings and thoughts to reach out to the readers, to

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