“How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn

Please read “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn and write a response to the questions below. I prefer it if you respond to this post directly, but if you choose you may create a new post.

Link to reading: 


  1. What did you think of the piece? Did you like it? Or not? Why. Explain! (Don’t worry my feelings won’t be hurt! Be honest!)
  2. What tips or ideas did you learn about how to Read Like a Writer? How might you apply it (use it) when you read?
  3. Can you explain what you think the author means when he says, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” (74). Be specific. Share a personal example, if possible.
  4. Let’s think about the “context” of this text. What is the author (Mike Bunn’s) purpose in writing this piece? Who is his intended audience?
  5. What is the genre of this text? Its okay if you don’t know! Just give it a shot! (essay, article, poem, etc.)
  6. What did you notice about HOW this text was written? Choose one observation!


  1. mustapha

    What I was able to take away from How to read like a writer was that in order to truly grasp what the author is trying to portray through their writing, you would need to put yourself into their shoes and try to see the writing from their perspective. That thought had never occurred to me so Ileft me quite shocked. I never knew that people treated weiting like a sport or something like the sort. It also said that you should consider the readers background when writing which I also never previously thought of. For instance, you should consider which you could use that the readers would connect hence making them read more of your story.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  2. Kelvin Leon

    1. I didn’t like it because it didn’t catch my attention, yes it opened my eyes and mind to see writing differently but not my type of passage that caught my attention.

    2.Tips or ideas that I learned are to spot important writerly choices from a whole paragraph to one word. As long as it portrays the overall idea. The way it affects the reader’s. Also I picked up on to question everything in your writing piece. Questions like “how would this effect the reader?” Or “would this give them a better idea of what I’m trying to portray?” By doing so you’ll get a better grasp on how to relay your ideas onto your audience.

    3. The author is trying to say is everyone has a different way of writing. Everyone starts and ends differently. The same as making a clear point. People uses different ways to making a clear point, some people might involve a quote or 2 to make the point clear, some people might use their own real life experience to make the point clear. By reading other people’s text you start to see these small things and you will eventually see and find out your own way of presenting a clear point to your audience.

    4. The author Mike Bunn’s pride in writing this piece is to explain the technique that’s involved in writing and to fully grasp the idea of what’s happening when writing “a sentence, a paragraph, a book“. His intended audience are people who struggle in the writing world our people who would like to become a better writer/published.

    5. The genre of the text is a educational essay.

    6. What I noticed in this text is that he uses varies examples from stating a author/ professor Wendy Bishop on how her reading changed when she started to read like a writer and he also includes personal experiences. By putting varies different types of examples it gives varies of different people to get his point. Some people struggle to get the idea of writing pieces due to only one type of examples but by putting different types of examples he gives people the opportunity to grasp the point.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Thanks for your honest feedback! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  3. Arian Qosaj

    1. I liked it because it caught my attention and it listed many different writing techniques that are helpful in becoming a better writer.

    2. Tips or ideas that I learned are to always ask yourself “what is the author’s purpose for this piece of writing?”, “what is the genre?”, and “who is the audience?” before reading an article or a piece of text. I would apply these tips when I read by taking the time to think about them and try to answer them.

    3. The author is trying to say that every piece of writing is interpreted differently by people which can show different meanings.

    4. The author Mike Bunn’s purpose in writing this piece is to explain the ways that will help people become better at writing and interpreting different readings like articles, books, and more. Also, to show how there are many different tips and ideas that are helpful in the writing and reading process. His intended audience is people who want to become better at writing/reading and people who have trouble with them.

    5. The genre of the text is an essay.

    6. I noticed that the text was written in a order that included many examples and questions about reading and writing that are made to think about and take note of.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


    • Jeimi Bravo

      Arian, I was able to notice the same things such as the tip on asking yourself about what is the purpose or the genre to get more of an understanding. I agree with how the author organized his text.

  4. Hanting Hu

    1)I like this reading because it taught people how to become experts at reading and have many skills to learn from the article.
    2) The idea I learn is every author has a specific audience they are trying to relate to or a particular audience they’re trying to trigger/reach out to the reader. This point can convey to the reader that to make a resonance, the reader will read.
    3)I think the author means each writer has different ways to writing, but the reader need to like writer to read each detail and the understand the book, because readers has different point view and a lot of questions, so reader need read more careful.
    4)the author purpose in writing is teach how to correctly to read educational literary works. His intended audience is helps the reader write their article to comprehend content to others better.
    5)the genre is educational pieces of literature.
    6)In this text, the author wrote by analyzing literature; the author gradually guided the reader and gave many examples, such as genre and type.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  5. Tenzin Namgyal

    1. I wasn’t a big fan of this reading. I understand how it could help me become a better writer but it wasn’t something of my interest.

    2. Tips or ideas that I learned is that while you read you should try to think from the authors perspective and always question the things you read. Why did the author choose to write a certain word? Or why did the author choose to start of with a quote?

    3. The author compares reading to construction and what I think he is trying to say is that, when you read you are reading and looking at the blueprint of how the book was created, and how you can use the same techniques for your own writings.

    4. Mike Bunn’s purpose in writing “How to Read Like a Writer” is to explain to fellow writers that when you read a book you should try and see what techniques the authors used, and to try and add some of it to their own writings. His intended audience is other people who are interested in or are already writers/authors.

    5. The genre of this text is an educational essay.

    6. Something I noticed about this text was that the author supports all of his points with many examples so the audience can have a better understanding of what he is trying to explain. This helped me to better understand what he was talking about or I would have been very confused.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Thanks for your honest feedback! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  6. Arlene Perez

    1. I thought the piece was informative, especially because I am currently a college student.
    2. A tip that I learned is that implementing extra details in my writing can help the reader understand better the piece. This will also help me as a reader understand why authors do not get straight to the point and their use of added information in their writing.
    3. The author means when he says, “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to build one for yourself” is that while reading a piece you should take in account several things like the author’s background, the writing’s context or where the piece is taking place to understand the reading better as if you were the actual author writing it.
    4. The author’s intended audience are college student writers, and the purpose is to explain “how and why you might read like a writer”.
    5. I think the genre for this piece is that it is an informative essay.
    6. I noticed that the piece was written using “formal language” as stated by Mike Bunn, which would be expected as he is a published author and college professor.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  7. Hamely Jose Taveras

    1.I think this piece is very good. I love this piece because it helps me get better at my writing and it helps me comprehend more reading.
    2. The tips or ideas did you learn about how to Read Like a Writer are to learn and identify the writer’s techniques. I like this because if I identify what rhetorical device the author use im able to understand the text better. If I learn different rhetorical device I can use on my own writing when creating task. I read this text in 11 grade and ever since I read it I use it while reading. For example, when I’ve to read a text for school I take notes of the work and my process of thought is always trying to identify what the author said and what technique he uses to say what he said.
    3. “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” This illustrates that when you read like a writer you get to see how the text was created and you can actually learn how to do the same when you write your own text. For example, I remember doing a rhetorical analysis for a BLM speech, I saw how the speaker used different rhetorical devices to become a more credible speaker and so when I had to do the speech for my public speaking course I did the same thing and I got very well. The same goes with writing when I was writing my unit 3 project for English Composition 1 I used different techniques that I learned from other writers.
    4.The author (Mike Bunn’s) purpose in writing this piece is to inform his audience on how to read like a writer and how they can learn how to write from reading. His intended audience can be college students, teacher, and anyone that is writing. I feel like he wrote this piece to help people that are in school understand how to write by learning from other readings.
    5.I think that the genre of this text is an informational article.
    6.I notice that this text had many examples and questions. I think the purpose of that was to show the reader what question they should be asking themselves while reading in order to understand the reading to see how it was built.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  8. Hamely Jose Taveras

    1.I think this piece is very good. I love this piece because it helps me get better at my writing and it helps me comprehend more reading.
    2. The tips or ideas did you learn about how to Read Like a Writer are to learn and identify the writer’s techniques. I like this because if I identify what rhetorical device the author use im able to understand the text better. If I learn different rhetorical device I can use on my own writing when creating task. I read this text in 11 grade and ever since I read it I use it while reading. For example, when I’ve to read a text for school I take notes of the work and my process of thought is always trying to identify what the author said and what technique he uses to say what he said.
    3. “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself” This illustrates that when you read like a writer you get to see how the text was created and you can actually learn how to do the same when you write your own text. For example, I remember doing a rhetorical analysis for a BLM speech, I saw how the speaker used different rhetorical devices to become a more credible speaker and so when I had to do the speech for my public speaking course I did the same thing and I got very well. The same goes with writing when I was writing my unit 3 project for English Composition 1 I used different techniques that I learned from other writers.
    4.The author (Mike Bunn’s) purpose in writing this piece is to inform his audience on how to read like a writer and how they can learn how to write from reading. His intended audience can be college students, teacher, and anyone that is writing. I feel like he wrote this piece to help people that are in school understand how to write by learning from other readings.
    5.I think that the genre of this text is an informational article.
    6.I notice that this text had many examples and questions. I think the purpose of that was to show the reader what question they should be asking themselves while reading in order to understand the reading to see how it was built.

  9. Kevin Yu

    1. It was an interesting piece of reading and I did like the different views that former college students expressed but it did get a bit boring for me.

    2. I learned that text from reading is not just there for you to read about and forget I learned that you need to understand what you are reading and what the author is trying to express to you as well as taking the information and thinking outside of the box. Reading the book “The Things They Carried” by Tim O’ Brein was confusing for me at first but by learning these new techniques I can reread “The Things They Carried” and better understand what the author Tim is trying to say to us readers.

    3. The author Mike Bunn is trying to convey here is that you are trying to “unbuild” the “build” trying to decipher the context of the paragraph or sentence that the author wrote so you can in the future take this knowledge and break down other writers books or student work.

    4. Mike Bunn has a target audience and that target audience is college students and the purpose of this writing is to get us college students to better understand one’s book or text, text is not there for you to read its there for you to digest and to understand what the author is thinking or conveying to you.

    5. I believe that this is an article because it is not too formal and I feel like anyone can access this article and is driven towards college students specifically.

    6. I noticed that the text was written so we can understand how to Read Like a Writer and that the author gave many examples from college students that had knowledge of RLW and remember that what you read is not just text and that you should question what the author is trying to convey and how the text was worded from formal to informal or to ask who this article is written for.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Thanks for your honest feedback! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  10. Avante Alvarez

    1. I didn’t really like it cause it wasn’t interesting to me.
    2. When you read it word by word you get a more in-depth understanding of the reading and a better feel for what the author is saying.
    3. The author was saying when you read the text as the writer you now become a better writer because you have a better understand on how to connect to the reader while writing.
    4. The purpose of piece is for people who struggle at read but are great at writing to understand text and become better writers. It’s also intended for people that great at reading text but bad at writing if they are able to read like write it would transfer over .
    5. This is an autobiography
    5. he was talking to the reader

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Thanks for your honest feedback! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  11. Jeimi Bravo

    Reading How to Read Like A Writer By Mike Bunn, I understood how writers get their inspiration to write and what it takes to be an author. It is encouraging to read what you believe is most important. I did enjoy reading this text because it started with a life experience and continued with important information on being a writer.
    Reading the text, I learned before you read a text, it is important to ask yourself questions. I learned how important it is to look at the way the writer writes, and the techniques that are used to portray the setting or message. When I write essays, I never know the exact way to start, I always get right to the point, but with time and school, I started with questions. In the text, the author explains about writing the start of an essay with a quote to grab the reader’s attention.
    While reading the statement, I start to think that the author is trying to explain how important it is to pay attention to the author’s writing such as the wording. It is also important to focus on the way the author may organize himself because all authors write differently. When you read like the writer, you can understand more instead of reading what’s visible. From personal experience, I have witnessed many authors putting the ending of a story in the beginning, which can make the reader think.
    Focusing on context, there may be different reasons as to why Mike Brunn wrote this piece. In my opinion, Mike wrote his piece to help those who don’t understand why authors write what they write or want to better in their writing.
    Reading the text, I got a lot of information, so I believe that Mike Bunn’s text is an informative text or article. I’m not very familiar with genres, but the author does display a lot of information.
    I noticed that the text had many questions; when there are questions in the text, it is most likely for those questions to be answered. There was a heading in each topic Mike Brunn was introducing, so it seemed like short chapters.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  12. Jeimi Bravo

    Reading How to Read Like A Writer By Mike Bunn, I understood how writers get their inspiration to write and what it takes to be an author. It is encouraging to read what you believe is most important. I did enjoy reading this text because it started with a life experience and continued with important information on being a writer.
    Reading the text, I learned before you read a text, it is important to ask yourself questions. I learned how important it is to look at the way the writer writes, and the techniques that are used to portray the setting or message. When I write essays, I never know the exact way to start, I always get right to the point, but with time and school, I started with questions. In the text, the author explains about writing the start of an essay with a quote to grab the reader’s attention.
    While reading the statement, I start to think that the author is trying to explain how important it is to pay attention to the authors writing such as the wording. It is also important to focus on the way the author may organize himself because all authors write differently. When you read like the writer, you can understand more instead of reading what’s visible. From personal experience, I have witnessed many authors putting the ending of a story in the beginning, which can make the reader think.
    Focusing on context, there may be different reasons as to why Mike Brunn wrote this piece. In my opinion, Mike wrote his piece to help those who don’t understand why authors write what they write or want to better in their writing.
    Reading the text, I got a lot of information, so I believe that Mike Bunn’s text is an informative text or article. I’m not very familiar with genres, but the author does display a lot of information.
    I noticed that the text had many questions; when there are questions in the text, it is most likely for those questions to be answered. There was a heading in each topic Mike Brunn was introducing, so it seemed like short chapters.

  13. Jeimi Bravo

    Reading How to Read Like A Writer By Mike Bunn, I understood how writers get their inspiration to write and what it takes to be an author. It is encouraging to read what you believe is most important. I did enjoy reading this text because it started with a life experience and continued with important information on being a writer.
    Reading the text, I learned before you read a text, it is important to ask yourself questions. I learned how important it is to look at the way the writer writes, and the techniques that are used to portray the setting or message. When I write essays, I never know the exact way to start, I always get right to the point, but with time and school, I started with questions. In the text, the author explains about writing the start of an essay with a quote to grab the reader’s attention.
    While reading the statement, I start to think that the author is trying to explain how important it is to pay attention to the authors writing such as the wording. It is also important to focus on the way the author may organize himself because all authors write differently. When you read like the writer, you can understand more instead of reading what’s visible. From personal experience, I have witnessed many authors putting the ending of a story in the beginning, which can make the reader think.
    Focusing on context, there may be different reasons as to why Mike Brunn wrote this piece. In my opinion, Mike wrote his piece to help those who don’t understand why authors write what they write or want to better in their writing.
    Reading the text, I got a lot of information, so I believe that Mike Bunn’s text is an informative text or article. I’m not very familiar with genres, but the author does display a lot of information.
    I noticed that the text had many questions; when there are questions in the text, it is most likely for those questions to be answered. There was a heading in each topic Mike Brunn was introducing, so it seemed like short chapters.

  14. Elma Kastrat

    1. I like this piece of writing. It is interesting and instructive. We can take some good rules of writing and apply them in our lives.

    2. Tips or ideas that I learned how to Read Like a Writer are important to know who’s the author, what he wants to show us with this piece, who’s his audience… I would apply them by reading carefully and with patience because if we want to know what text is about it’s important to focus on it while reading.

    3. The author is trying to say that while we are reading we are collecting information which can help us later to talk about that or even write a short summary about everything that we read, and with true details.

    4. The author’s purpose in writing this piece is to show, explain and teach people the ways of writing that will help people to write on expert levels. In addition, he wants to show people different ways and ideas to help them be good writers. His intended audience are people who want to write and become better at reading and writing one day.

    5. I think the genre of this text is an essay.

    6. I noticed that this text is written to introduce us to the story “How to Read Like a Writer” and then with ideas and tips show us step by step what is important and what would help people to become better in writing.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  15. Jsantana

    I did enjoy reading, “How to Read Like a Writer” by Mike Bunn. He did bring up many points about perspective that I completely agree with. Bunn explained how in order to really understand what you’re reading you have to place yourself in the author’s shoes and ask yourself what they are trying to make you see or unsee. It’s very refreshing when an author brings up a point that completely contradicts what you may believe. What I learned from the text was that it is definitely important to understand what the author is trying to say & it’s more of the author trying to add a new perspective rather than disregard the readers’. For the quote mentioned in question three, I believe the author is trying to suggest that in order for you to build an idea you have to acknowledge all the other possible ideas out there in the world. For example, my personal favorite topic to talk about is religion. There are many religions, different belief systems, and a few non belief systems. There are even more books written on those beliefs or lack there of. Some may use their lack of understanding of an opposing religion to build their idea. Or even smaller examples such as a highschool essay. My highschool teacher told me that many great essays always include a counter- claim. In essence, proving why your side is the best, but that’s impossible if you can’t understand why the other person thinks their idea is the best too. I believe the author’s purpose of writing this piece is to explore the narrative of how easy it is to forget that all author’s are readers too. In addition, every author’s main goal is to make the reader understand and respect their idea. Also, writing techniques are very diverse and people use different ways to write. As such, the author’s intended audience is people who don’t really understand what they’re writing or can’t really grasp what they’re reading as well. The genre of this text is educational article. I noticed the way this text was written with many outside quotes & examples. I liked how in the beginning he added a personal experience to help the text feel more personal to the reader.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  16. Tony Budwah

    1.) I enjoyed the reading it helped point out a few interesting ideas about how reading and writing are connected, deeper than we realize. The overall text wasn’t too captivating since it felt like I was reading a how-to-do manual, rather than an explanation of a reading style.

    2.) The one major idea I learned was to first and foremost identify the author and his/her purpose of writing the text. Who the author is and what they’re writing about impacts the ideas they go over, and the means of how they write to convey those ideas. In a test setting you cant look up the author, but you can read the words the author choses to grasp what he’s really talking about.

    3.) When Mike Bunn said: “When you read like a writer, you are trying to figure out how the text you are reading was constructed so that you learn how to ‘build’ one for yourself”(74), he’s empathizing the importance of the relationship between reading and writing. We gather certain tips and knowledge just from reading, but reading to see how an author wrote a text revels the authors though process and motives of the text. Plus we can pick up on certain writing styles and grammar to add to our own form of writing. I relate to this quote heavily because when I make my D&D campaigns I often read or re-read old campaigns and other DM campaigns to see the descriptive language used to create an atmosphere in the room and for my players.

    4.) Mike Bunn intended this essay for people who aim to make their writing have an extra layer of depth. He’s trying to have people breakdown readings, so that they may make their own an even greater piece.

    5.) Teacher.. I do not know, but I feel like its a informative text.

    6.) This text was written in a first person perspective. From what Mike Bunn talks about, to his examples, the words he choses, and the layout of his essay, all put on emphasis on his perspective of how RLW can benefit writer and readers alike.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Thanks for your honest feedback! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  17. Isael Castillo

    1) The reading wasn’t interesting to me but, he talks about some key points on how to improve your writing and how to implement those key points.

    2) The tips that I learned from the reading is how to understand and identify’s the author message by how his/she is describing certain points in the story. The way they used their vocabulary in some areas, how to hint the reader in the areas that the writer wants them to focus on.

    3) The author is trying to say that when you’re reading you should also, look for things that help the writer come up with some of the ideas that make the story more unique. This also tells us to look at every paragraph and identify the real purpose of the writer.

    4) Mike Bunn’s purpose in writing this is to explain, to the reader how the writer structured the story so that the reader will breakdown every paragraph to understand the message. I think the audience Bunn’s is trying to communicate with is people that want to use writing as a skill but also see past that and used it as a tool in their daily life.

    5) I think the genre of this text is an educational essay.

    6) I noticed that the text gave a lot of examples on how to improve your writing. The purpose of it is to show the reader, that to understand the story you need to do more them just read.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great to “meet” you! Please make sure to make up the earlier assignments!

      Thanks for your honest feedback! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  18. Pedro Flores

    1) Yes, I enjoyed this piece because it got my attention and I would like to learn read like a write. in other words I want to learn how to structure my paragraphs.
    2) One idea i learn is that you can start your essay with a quote. I would usually start with a question but I’ll get stuck and wouldn’t know what to write next. but, starting with a quote is a good idea because i can elaborate and get my readers thinking.
    3) The author is trying to say that instead of reading to better understand the idea in the writing. you should really be paying attention and understanding how the piece of writing was put together so that you can apply it to your writing.
    4)His intended audience is students. He’s wants students to understand how to structure their own piece
    5) I think this piece was an essay. I would say that this is an essay because the diction they used to transition into another paragraph.
    6) Some things i notice is that some paragraphs had like a tittle and then there would be bullet points. In the beginning the author started it with a short story. which got me hooked. meaning it was a good HOOK.

    • Rebekah Coleman


      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Can’t wait to hear you share these during our discussion in class today!


  19. Christina Bethelmy

    1) I liked this piece because it was interesting in its points about reading and I’d makes me want to improve in my writing skills
    2) I learned that the author demonstrates their ideas through their story. You can sometimes predict that they are foreshadowing something or representing something as a symbol in the story.
    3) The author explains that we should pay attention to the information being portrayed carefully so you can come up with new ideas.
    4)His audience is directed towards students, and for them to analyze the text and use information from it in writing.
    5) I feel this genre is an essay.
    6) I noticed that it is an informative step by step process that you can use information from it and portray that information through reading and writing.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Next time try to post before class!


  20. Shaniyah

    This text I feel I was meant to read because it touches on many points I have came to realize over the break after the fall semester. I am a reader and I always said that is one of the main reasons I am such a strong writer now. For me it was always a habit to pick up new writing techniques from reading other writers use them in their books. I think that is what the authors main idea is trying to say people need to have a new perspective when reading. Do not just read pages and pages of material and be able to site what happened, you should be able to detect a unique writing style because every author has one. One thing I picked up from this text is how to include questions in your writing, I have always been scared to try this because I always feltlike It didn’t flow correctly reading it in your head. When I started reading this text I was lost and had to double back to read over and over until the author’s main idea came out. This text opened a new world of writing for me and I am excited to see how my writing style changes this semester. This writing to me is informative and maybe an essay or novel. The authors audience is students, because it’s a writing that will be of aid to many college and high school students feeling lost ; because they have maybe a 40 page paper due. I learned another reason today that proves why writing and reading is fundamental.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading. Next time try to post before class!


  21. Ahsan

    1: I liked this reading because it caught my feelings and it help in writing skill and become a good writer .
    2: I learn that how writer use the writing techniques and if we read every single words deeply we can learn better and it’s a easiest way to learn.
    3: The author is trying to say people use there own point of view to show that what are they trying to say.
    4: The author is trying to teach how to improve the writing strategy and reading every thing and try to understand that so we can easily learn.
    5: The genre of text is an educational text.
    6: I am really confused when i start reading that but after 2 paragraphs author is trying to show his point of view and it help me to understand that.

    • Rebekah Coleman

      Great! Loved hearing about your take-aways from the reading!


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