Social Media Addiction

  1. Summary:  The article describes the symptoms of social media addiction and how living in a era of social media has it pros and cons , they can take a toll on our everyday lives and how we have this way of wanting to catch up on the hottest trends, step in conversations, and catch up with family and friends every single day.
  2. Communication Problem: I believe their should be a clear way to portray social media as an addiction and how its made addictive to society. A way to persuade social media addiction to a person or demographic should be in a comedic way or light and silly concept; a campaign with a sense of humor.
  3. Image Ideas: A way this can be portrayed is maybe putting a funny or wacky character to the ad and create a comedic interaction either through social media or even somebody on social media through their phone. A character of a social media “addict” or a group rehab of social media “addicts”.

Social media addiction

The articles have described a trend for social media platforms to be even more addictive and knowingly too. Social media sites exploit the fear of missing out (F.M.O.) Therefore I’d like to focus on individuals being left out of a party. I’d place my subjects as isolated from the bubble of their friends interacting.

Preferably in dim lighting conditions so that the glow of smartphones illuminates faces of the group but the left out individual is lit seperately

Social Media Addiction

‘Social Media Addiction is a Bigger Problem Than You Think,’ was describing people and their social media addictions. They spoke about a site called which encourages people to not use Facebook for 99 days. But, many couldn’t make more than a few days. People are addicted to social media because they are afraid of missing out of whats going to happen the days they are not on social media. This article also explains that the social media companies are engineered to make us more addicted to them everyday.

Image Ideas: I would like to use a dark background with the bright light of the phone in someones face, showing how addicted they are. Another idea I have is using two models, facing opposite sides of eachother on their phones. Also, using two models (as a couple) one on the phone and one being really upset. More ideas might come as we start the shoot.

Results: I did try to do my first idea, with a dark background with bright light on someones face but it was not working out how I wanted it to. So i ended up with a dark background with a playful, fun image. Clifford holding the phones that way was supposed to show addiction like playing a game of cards.

social media addiction

this article is about the social media addiction, today everyone using Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, etc. They check their phone every couple minutes but they don’t even know why they check it. you open see a group of people hangout and everyone has a phone in their hand. It happens in my family too, my dad always text me instead of come to my room and talk to me. It can destroy your life when you get addict.

photo idea: a couple having dinner, and the guy checking FB instead of talk to her girlfriend.



Social Media

According to the article, social media is getting a bit out of control. The iron grip it has upon it’s various users are quite powerful, to the point where people are addicted. Some people may not view it as a problem, indicating it’s a way to communicate with people. But Its actually quite the opposite, as social media is corrupting our face to face communication with others. Corrupting and infecting our communication skills like an airborne virus that has become a pandemic.

I feel like social media should be controlled more, so images with a bit of humor should be use, as it will appeal more to social media junkies.

Social Media Addiction

  1. Summary: The article is about social media being an addiction and the people in charge of them are making it addictive. Many people can’t quit Facebook because they have a fear of missing out and even if they are not interested in it, all their friends and families are on there so you are Facebook for them. Youtube is like a TV but with a lot more channels. All of the social networking sites have click bait that draws you right in.
  2. Communication Problem: Social media is an addiction to many and people are on it everyday.
  3. Image Ideas: A group of people sucked into their phones. A person sitting in the middle surrounded by hands holding phones on different social medias.
  4. Results: I love the expression of my model and I love how the phones are beaming light out on to his face in the darkness with the black backdrop. It shows how people who stay up in the odd hours of the night just browsing through social media and getting entertained by it.

2) Lower Manhattan Revival


  • Summary: The article talks about the drastic change after 9/11 of the lower Manhattan. The narrative of the article tells us that a lot of business are coming back to Wall street and also the positive improvement of peoples lives thanks to the new construction of both the One World Trade center and the Oculus.
  • Communication Problem: The images on this ad campaign should be positive and uplifting, nothing nostalgic or sad. The aim is to demonstrate the ability to create lively environment in the lower Manhattan.
  • Image Ideas:  Photos of the new buildings, photos of the people around the busy streets of the lower Manhattan, Photos of  kids which represent the youth coming to the neighborhood

Health Care for All

Most health insurance companies are using photo’s of people who appear to be happy, showing it by smiling or having fun alone, in family/group photo’s, either in portrait style photos  or while doing activities or hobbies they seem to love. The photo’s use bright lights that highlight the model’s face. The ads themselves are bright with light or white backgrounds. The type is inviting and colorful to catch attention.What should be communicated by an image promoting the company Health Care for All are photos of healthy people who are happy to be where they are because they are insured. Their faces and attitudes should be highlighted to show their contentment. They should be close us to have a personal and inviting feel to it. During our photo session i will try to capture the bight and warm side of the model. I want the focus to be on the models smile.

Results: it’s definitely difficult to capture moments when you aren’t sure how to direct your model. This was challenging. One of the photos I like and will use will be one taken by another photographer :). It’s a group shot that shows confidence and comfort.

Headphones & Hearing Loss

1) A Description of the brand identity of the headphones you will be using and a summary of NYC public Service Campaign on Hearing Loss. Define your target audience. 

Beats by Dr. Dre is a line of high-performance headphones designed specifically to support high-quality playback of popular rock and hip-hop music, and to be worn as iconic body art. They use a lot of colors to show emotion, style and mood. They have simple typography on their ads. The NYC public service campaign on Hearing Loss is advising people to lower the volume when listening with headphones and to take breaks. This will prevent hearing loss in the future. The campaign’s tagline, “Turn down your music before you can’t hear it anymore,” is a clear call to action.

2) What do you intend to convey for each of these two different images? 

For the Beats photos, person enjoying to music with the headphones and for the hearing loss it will show hearing loss is no joke and you need to prevent it when young.

3) Images ideas- Consider lighting as well as wardrobe, pose and expression. 

Beats, will be bright with happy and excited expression. Headphone will be on persons ears and maybe hands on the two sides. The wardrobe will casual for both, for the Beats one the clothing may match the color of the Beats. Lighting for hearing loss will be dark and sad. Using sign language, hands behind the ears to show problem with hearing.

3) Results.

I love how my Beat’s shot came out because of how my model is in white and it contrast well with the rose gold headphones and pink background. I think the typography fit well in the spaces of the photo. The hearing loss photo is ok, it’s one of my weakest photos. It looks boring to me. It was a difficult concept to do with the little materials that we had.


Description of the brand: Bose is one of the leading brands of audio products. Established in 1964 by Dr. Amar G. Bose, the company is best know for it’s home audio system and speakers, noise canceling headphones, professional audio systems, and automobile system which is sell throughout the world. This multi-billion company target a audience that listen to headphones ages 25 to 50 that spend approximately $100 for regular headphones to $400 for more high end ones. The wireless headphone will be used for this project to advertise this brand with the tagline “Wireless Music Deserves Bose”.

PSC Hearing Loss: “Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow. Turn down your music before you can’t hear it anymore.” According to the Hearing Loss Association of America. Loss of hearing can be caused by many different things, and can be treated using medicine or surgery depending on the progress of the disease. Generally loss of hearing is placed into three categories, Conductive hearing loss, due to problems with the ear canal, ear drum, or middle ear and its little bones. Sensorineural hearing loss, when hearing loss is due to problems of the inner ear, and Mixed hearing loss, a combination of conductive and sensorineural hearing loss. According to more than 28 million people are affected by some type of hearing disorder. Of which listening to exceptionally loud music contribute in some way. This disease affects children as well as adults age 18 and over.

Communication: Bose shows what the enjoyable listening experience can be when one use the wireless headphones. The headphones have a sleek, clean design with no hanging wire, which means less trouble carrying and storing. On the other hand PSC shows the effect of listening to loud music- hearing loss. Thus, it is my intention to show forth both in the images captured.

Image ideas: A generous measure of light will be used when capturing the image for the Bose Ad. The model will be wearing wireless headphones and will show forth a smiling happy countenance, that generates a positive effect of the pleasure of listening to music with Bose wireless headphones. The image for the PSC Ad will be less lighted with the model showcasing a less happy countenance- thus generating a negative yet cautious feeling towards listening to loud music that may lead to hearing loss.