
See the glass half empty or half full? Why Optimists are Happier, Healthier and Wealthier. In this article it talks about the people who are happier seems to feel less stressed by having a positive outlook on things. It creates a healthy atmosphere.

Solution: I wanted to create a photo of the glass half empty with a rich gold background that signifies wealth and the extension of the champagne glass to represent it’s elevation to the top in happiness.


A Healthy Outlook A Healthy Outlook. Reveals that pessimists have higher blood pressure than their Reveals that pessimists have higher blood pressure than their more optimistic counterparts more optimistic counterparts.

This article talks about the downside of pessimists that are stressed that leads to higher blood pressure and appears to be negative in interpersonal interactions.

Solution: I wanted to create a dark mood of the glass filling up as representing the blood pressure and the dark colors of red and blue to represent the blood and the heart to show the downside of sadness.

she Being Brand/ Coming Home Detroit

The Poem “she Being Brand” describes a woman’s first time sexual experience. The author uses a car as a metaphor to describes the parts of a woman, how nervous she is, and the process of the experience and the finale.

Solution: I wanted to create the beauty of the car and to highlight its color.


The Poem “Coming Home Detroit” describes the catastrophe while returning back home. There is chaos and tragedy as one person is driving and seeing the terror and sadness in a child’s eyes.

Solution: I am choosing to shoot a car with the highlight of the tragedy of fire as a reflection of the car to give that dark mood with a classic feel.

Summary of final project

Final project went well i shoot how i wanted. My first idea was to show still life photography (show beauty and power of sport by showing on image racket and ball for tennis). lighting natural colors, bright to make photo look heathy, used white back ground. For my second idea I I used person (playing tennis, happy and healthy), with white background. I did well.

Hear Today, Gone Tomorrow/Headphones

For this shoot, I wanted to create a hearing loss ad that promotes sadness. The model has a dark mood of sadness with showing one side with an ear bud representing how it affects hearing loss.

For the Headphones Advertising shoot, I chose Sony. The model is wearing the headphones and enjoying the effects of air, water and sound as a metaphor of the quality the headphones bring.

Healthcare I’m InSured

Healthcare advertising is to promote the types of insurance that offers benefits that would be suited for an individual and families. In their campaigns, the photos are bright and shows the diversity of people of all ages with a loving feel and healthy look.

Solution: I wanted to create an ad that shows the satisfied look and feeling great about making the right choice for healthcare.

Social Media Addiction

In this article, social media like Facebook and YouTube are an addiction. This addiction has a psychological effect to draw more and more people everyday. People are unaware of how long they spend on these sites because of the news feeds and notifications and continuous browsing. Cornell Information Science has posted a study used data to quit called which is to encourage people to stop using Facebook for 99 days. An artist and computer scientist, Jonathan Harris created a web experience called the Network Effect. How this works is that it lets you surf the feeds and other people activites on different social medias but locks you out for 24 hours for you to take a break. YouTube is another addiction as the new TV with more than one channel. This is just like watching television non stop but with more options. People are even more engaged with the live view interaction from celebrities that makes them feel like they have a personal relationship. Mike Eglan gives an advice of keeping track of your time and how many times you are using social media and to only go on once a day.

Solution: I wanted to show a person who is resisting and addicted to technology of social media by having people trying to take away their technology devices.

The Lower Manhattan Revival

In this article, it describes the rebuilding of the New Lower Manhattan, One World Trade Center. This development occurred due to the 9/11 attack 13 years ago. At the stage of the blueprint, Scott Rechler, a real estate developer, wanted to create something new, memorable and the strength of new yorkers revival. At Ground Zero, a memorial was built for the 9/11 victims and their families. In the neighborhood, a lot of business and people were relocated to a different area in order to bring new buildings and new businesses. The population of people has tripled in the area. This site has attracted media, advertising and technology companies that received a discount on office space. Despite the tragedy that took place, the people have a place to remember what took place but to also see the positive and to show how strong they are in overcoming into something better.

Solution: The new development of the One World Trade Center.

What is the Point of College?

In this article, it talks about students that are applying to two year/ four year colleges are looking to explore what they can get out of college and how it benefits them. Preparation and value of higher education and developed skills is what they are looking for to apply it to themselves and the real world. Utility and Utopia are two visions that describes the benefits of college and living it. At Utopia U. , it allows students to think freely, be able to solve problems they may face for themselves with proper guidance and develop valuable morals.


In these photos, I wanted to create an onsite interaction of students that show the benefits of a positive environment of getting along with students and just having a good discussion vs. the after a day in college of the work and challenges that has been faced that makes you reevaluate your decision.

Final project: Can we end poverty? (edited)

For my Final Project I will address a topic that keeps me motivated and should inspire people to do well for others, I am talking about the global poverty rate. For most people (in my opinion) that think poverty is just a part of reality, that it just can be helped; to them i say “you are wrong”. The current rate of poverty is plummeting, it is now lower than 10% of the world population. Now I know 10% doesn’t sound like much, but to put it into better perspective thats around 7.4 million people that still live in poverty. Thats 1 million short from the population of the entire state of New York. Of course this is just my view. Through the use of this article posted on the BBC global site, I will attempt to create my view of how possibly impactful this article can be with its statistics and all.

Image 1)

  • The tone will be some what depressing, a feeling that will make you sick that this view of poverty actually exists.
  • The target audience would be the socially conscious middle aged person.
  • A very literal approach
  • The text would be an excerpt from the article, maybe a statistic value of the poverty rate.

Image 2)

  • The tone will be a thought of possibility, where something seems possible.
  • The target audience, optimistic people and millennials
  • a more dramatized meaning of optimism
  • the only text will be the title of the article “Is it possible to end global poverty?”

Lady in red  

Chris De Burgh

 I’ve never seen you looking so lovely as you did tonight

I’ve never seen you shine so bright

I’ve never seen so many men ask you if you wanted to dance

They’re looking for a little romance, given half a chance

And I have never seen that dress you’re wearing

Or the highlights in your hair that catch your eyes

I have been blind

The lady in red is dancing with me, cheek to cheek

There’s nobody here, it’s just you and me

It’s where I want to be

But I hardly know this beauty by my side

I’ll never forget the way you look tonight

I’ve never seen you looking so gorgeous as you did tonight

I’ve never seen you shine so bright, you were amazing

I’ve never seen so many people want to be there by your side

And when you turned to me and smiled, it took my breath away

And I have never had such a feeling

Such a feeling of complete and utter love, as I do tonight

The lady in red is dancing with me….


  1. The tone of this ‘poem’ is sensuous, romantic. A man sees a beautiful woman at a party wearing a red dress, and he is captivated by her. Others try to get a dance with her and finally she turns to him and wants to dance with him, which takes his breath away.
  2. The audience of both approaches are couples, lovers and anyone stung by love.
  3. Both designs are literal, showing images of red and roses, both of which signify love and desire.
  4. Because love of this kind is aimed at couples, people, I chose to have a model for one of the images. Two similar pictures with the same model may be redundant so I choose a still life for the second picture, focusing on the subtle contours of a rose.
  5. I used my sister as the model.
  6. The second photo, I used a rose as the subject. This is the same rose that the model is holding in the first photo to give some continuity to both photos.
  7. I used a strobe light to enhance the contrast of the image, on top of regular 75W white house lighting.
  8. I used a lot of contrast, light and dark, because love is mysterious and sensual. The photo of the rose only needs to focus on the contours of the rose, so I used a shallow depth of field. I also placed the rose atop a mirror to give some duality to the image in its reflection. This is similar to how love requires a duality of two lovers.