
See the glass half empty or half full? Why Optimists are Happier, Healthier and Wealthier. In this article it talks about the people who are happier seems to feel less stressed by having a positive outlook on things. It creates a healthy atmosphere.

Solution: I wanted to create a photo of the glass half empty with a rich gold background that signifies wealth and the extension of the champagne glass to represent it’s elevation to the top in happiness.


A Healthy Outlook A Healthy Outlook. Reveals that pessimists have higher blood pressure than their Reveals that pessimists have higher blood pressure than their more optimistic counterparts more optimistic counterparts.

This article talks about the downside of pessimists that are stressed that leads to higher blood pressure and appears to be negative in interpersonal interactions.

Solution: I wanted to create a dark mood of the glass filling up as representing the blood pressure and the dark colors of red and blue to represent the blood and the heart to show the downside of sadness.

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