Category Archives: Uncategorized

Health Care

When I researched health care photos I found that they are very generic. A lot of white and shades of blue. Most health care companies try to seem diverse so theres a lot of group photos of doctors and patients. Then theres photos of doctors treating patients like checking their blood pressure or measuring them. For elderly health care there are a lot of photos from nursing homes.

I think the biggest problem with these photos is how staged they are. Medical assistants with the perfect hair and a wide smile while they write on a clip board.

I think that making these photos a bit more spontaneous will definitely suit the companies better. Like maybe catching someone off guard while they’re writing.

Topic Two: Health Care for All

Health care Photography

While researching Health Care Photography, I found one that stood out the most of what I would like photoshoot to consist of. United Healthcare shows diversity in all their photographs, not only do they show different lightings to display clean, professional, and organic visuals. There shots varied from family and individuals. While observing their images, I got a sense of support and concern with their clients. Knowing that this company is a professional health care that will take care of you. While others like Coventry Health or Assuring Health that didn’t make me feel a sense of security.

Communication Problem
I feel like it is important to show support and originality in the photographs. But with Health Cares like Coventry Health or Assuring Health they are just repeating the same things and mixing random images that have no concept to tie all together. For Coventry Health it shows parents and kids smiling, which shows its family based. But it still lacks diversity and is not as strong as United Healthcare. While Assuring Health displays images of family and random visuals like a  doctor writing on something or a close up of a hand touching the screen of a phone. This doesn’t grab my attention, it doesn’t seem personal but more formal.

Image Ideas
I think something that is important is to show that the Health Care actually cares! The images should be lively, fun, and also show diversity. It should show things that don’t seem stage. For instance, by working with colors and the correct diverse models we can have that consistency and show more of what a health care really does, who is it targeting and demonstrating the importance of the clientele. The lighting should be vibrant, clean, and also show emotional happiness. In result, shooting was harder than I thought. My group had a lot of problems with the lighting and especially since our background was gray. We wanted to depict a more active and natural images. Our photographs did turn out to be fun and lively, but as repeated it was the shadows and the lighting that made it a difficulty to produce a cleaner image.

Topic 3: Health Care for All

1. Health care photography
Looking at the websites of health care companies United Healthcare, Aetna and Northwell Health, I found that there are two trends for types of photos used. The first category is photos of health care professionals, such as doctors working (doctors with a stethoscope, doctors looking at x-rays etc) nurses, and EMS personell. The other, more widely used category is photos of regular people, the people who would be considered patients. These photos typically show people being active, out in nature, exercising, giving an idea of a healthy lifestyle. The subjects are especially older, retired couples or families. There’s also photos showing happy people in nursing homes. Typically, the lightning is bright and gives you a feeling of positivity. The photos seem to usually have natural lightning.

2. Communication Problem
With the company being called Health Care for All, the images should ideally communicate diversity  – kids, families, young adults and older people, people from different backgrounds – everyone needs health care.

3. Image Ideas
With the studio setting, I think it will be important to use lights to make the photos bright and vibrant. The photos should show happy, healthy people living a healthy lifestyle. Props could be work out clothes, sports equipment (such as a football) or a healthy drink. People in the photos should look happy and full of energy. An idea could be for someone to jump in the photo.

4. Results
During the photo shoot, we focused on getting images of healthy, active people. We used props to help illustrate this, and bright lights to make a vibrant, happy, energized setting. I think we were successful in following our ideas and getting good and well lighted results.

Ad here 
Album with 20 photos here

Topic 3: Health Care for All

  1. The photographs of people look very happy, excited, and in a good mood. I have noticed by looking at three different websites;,, and that they mostly have photographs of people outdoors, or next to windows, usually using natural light. A lot of the images are very bright and clear.
  2. It should be communicated that people are very happy with the company and products. Family, children, adults, etc are able to use it and be satisfied.
  3. The photographs will look bright and clear. People being vibrant, excited, happy. The props I would be using will depend on my target. But, if I focus on Adults I would most liekly use books, glasses, ipads, notebooks, etc.

Results: Since I was unable to attend class when photographs were taken, I photographed a friend outside in daylight. The photo came out  clear and bright and my friend was smiling and happy. Overall I am happy with the results of this billboard campaign ad.

I ended up changing my image after reading professors comment. I had taken many images of my sister outside so I ended up using one of those. I feel like it came out much better than the other one I had posted previously. The reason why i chose the image I had before was because I didnt want to have a different image from everyone else. But, after your explanation it made more sense. Thank you.

The Lower Manhattan Revival

1. Summary
The texts talks about the revival of Lower Manhattan throughout the decade and more following 9/11. It talks about the controversy surrounding the construction of a new World Trade Center and how the new One World Trade Center and other new construction of condos and offices has given the area a rebirth, Lower Manhattan is no longer just for finance and business people, it has become more urban and diverse. People now come here to live, work, eat, shop and enjoy the nightlife. The article also reflects on how we have to remember the tragic event that took place 15 years ago, before the revival happened, and how the construction has made One World Trade Center perhaps the most secure office building in America.

2. Communication Problem
The images should show how Lower Manhattan is now a blooming area in many aspects – more diversity among the people who live there, the new businesses and apartment buildings.

3. Image Ideas
Places that should be covered in the article is the 9/11 memorial with the reflecting pools, the One World Trade Center, the PATH Oculus station. The images should show the contrast between new and old buildings of Lower Manhattan and the diversity of different types of people going about their everyday business in the area – office workers on lunch, a mom with a stroller, kids going to school, tourists, older New Yorkers chatting in the park, people on their commute. The images should be bright and encourage reflections, while giving the viewer a sense of positivity and hope.

4. Results
I think I captured a lot of the new architecture in Lower Manhattan well, but I wanted to also capture more of the diversity of people and I wasn’t as successful in creating images of people that came out well enough.

The album with my 20+ photos can be viewed here, and my 2 photos for the article is uploaded to the Flickr group: Main image, additional image.

The Lower Manhattan Revival

This article talks about the blossoming of the One World Trade Center, what they hoped to accomplish for New Yorkers to rebirth the history and give the urban neighborhood a new vibrant vision. There were many political battles after the violent attack that made officials and developers battle over the details of the reconstruction. The memories still being so raw made them realize they need to rebuild, but knowing there was so much fear in that location that the neighborhoods where largely left or either rents were dropped. After the rebuilding, the population actually tripled and made Lower Manhattan a vibrant business district with diversity of people and creative workers.  I believe the communication problem should show the vibrancy of this business district and show creative people that live here and commute here daily. For my image ideas, I want to make an emphasis on colors and people, do a lot of possible reflection shots and try to show in my work the wonderful thing that occurred. The uplifting of strength showing that they created something so beautiful in result of the sad moments in history for New Yorkers. In result, I think it looked better than I expected. The colors and the people were sown and also it shows the reflection of everything that is growing there.

Lower Manhattan Revival

Summary: This article is about the changes that Lower Manhattan has had since the terrorist attack of 9/11. After the tragedy and the destruction the city was faced with having all this space and not knowing how to honor all the people we lost and how to restore it back to its glory. Ultimately the World Trade Center went from a strictly work centered area to this new mecca full of rebirth whether its art, culture, business, or simply a place to feel connected to the ones we lost.

Communication Problem: The photos should communicate the change that the article is talking about. Instead of shots of the new building show the diversity of the area.
Image Ideas: rat’s eye sidewalk views, shots by the memorial, reflective shots of the buildings

The Lower Manhattan Revival

  1. Summary:– The articles spoke about the rebuild of the World Trade Center. How there was a period for mourning, patriotism and cleaning up; later a period of what to do with it. Also how the rebuilding it was a way to show terrorists that they haven’t won. The new World Trade is now called “the most secure office building in America.” The article also compared the old World Trade to the new. Now it is more modern and population have tripled; it’s no longer an quiet area with people going home at six o’clock but now a 24-hour, seven-day-a-week, vibrant business district with a diverse group of tenants and a lot of creative, Millennial-type workers.
  2. Communication Problem: How the new One World Trade Center is more modern and lively. It is the place to be with a variety of things to do. However, there is still a memorial to remember all the lives that was lost during the tragedy and to never forget what happened on 9/11.
  3. Image Ideas: The shiny new details of new building. Crowded street around the area. Flowers of the World Trade Center Memorial.
  4. Results: I love how geometric my photo came out. Also how the lighting is on the ceiling and it’s brightest where you see the new World Trade Center.

Topic 2 – The Lower Manhattan Revival

Summary: At 1,776 Ft. One world Trade Center stands as the tallest building in the Western Hemisphere. Erect as a memorial to a horrid tragedy it graced the Lower Manhattan skyline as a representation of the fallen Twin Towers. Never-the-less this stately building also serve as a  tourist attraction, foster business ventures and adds to the rebirth of vibrant life in Lower Manhattan. Even though there were disagreements over the venture of rebuilding, the grieving families were able to reach an ideal agreement with developers to rebuild. Thus, a place that should have been seen only as a mourning ground was transformed into a memorial monument that speaks volume of the true American spirit-we are resilient, we shall rise again.

Communication Problem: The image should capture and show the diversity yet harmony of the area (business, culture, ethnicity). It should also capture the memorial symbol thereby emphasizing the emotional aspect of an area under continually healing. The vibrant life that emerged as a result of revival and rebirth should be showcase as well.

Image Ideas: Lively and energetic composition of Infrastructure and overall area, shot at different angles. Urban aspect of neighborhood life. Essential shots of One World Trade Center Monument.

Results: The photo shoot in my estimation was a success. I was able to capture images that show the building/revival of the area. Although the shoot took place around the anniversary of that great tragedy, the revival spirit could be seen in the various form of life and livelihood that makes up that area.




Topic 2. The Lower Manhattan Revival

Summary: The article talks about significant changes in Lower Manhattan after the unforgivable tragedy of September 11. The new One World Trade Center represents all phases of dealing with a tragedy: mourning, accepting the continuation of life, planing the future, learning to become better, proving to yourself and other the power of resilience.  Changes happened not only in the neighborhood’s landscape, but in the population it occupies. Down town Manhattan became a vibrant part of the city not an offices area alone. The new One World Trade Center serves as part of  the healing process of the area, the city and the nation. It shows that people and our country need and can resolve.
Communication problem: The image should show harmony between busy, urban neighborhood and  silence memorial complex. Improving area exist next to “peoples pain”. The ability of resolving however hard it is. Human happiness next to emotional past.
Image Ideas: Dynamic composition of architecture, interesting and unexpected angles, emotions of neighbors. Contrast between 2 different places existing next to each other. The new One World Trade Center  as a symbols of the emotional resolve of American people.

Results:  It was hard to choose an image. I selected two different  photos which in my opinion represent the article in the best way. First image shows a bag with working  tools and at the background we can see the museum of 9/11 next to other store signs. For getting such an angle I almost lied down on the ground and the result had justified itself. The font face reminds me of a store sign and I think it complements the photo well.  Second photo communicates in a different tone. In the middle we can see a delivery guy in red short walking with red flowers. Red color looks festive and noticeable and I think it can symbolize result of the emotional resolve of American people. I enjoyed the class trip a lot and I am happy with my photo results.