Now, for this project I really chose dial soap. It’s a pretty good item from when you want to wash your body in the form of bar soap. Within the SECOND image shown on top of these words. It says dial soap, on the soap packaging itself. For those of you who can’t read it and just in case you were curious.
From the second picture above, On the shelf its horizontal. Its piled up. There are 15 1/2 facings. The half is from the last item, on the bottom right, that has been cut off. Only because I got the first blue one next to the 2nd green dial mountain fresh soap bar pack.
Away from the gondola, the one that stands out to me, is the blue dial soap bar packaging. Once again next to the dial mountain fresh soap bar pack. The reason is because i picked that blue bar pack. The answer can’t be more simpler than that.
Coming from the picture above, the variations of soap are recognizable. it has nothing to do with flavors. This isn’t about food and it’ll continue to be that way.
The whole design is working
What isn’t working for me, could be from where it says spring water and then below that it has some other text that looks pretty cluttered. that can be changed especially.
The recyclability, reusability, sustainability, biodegradability should be good. That’s what i can even put in the design itself. I could put the words “good for the environment” as part of my final design for it. after my research of it.
Dial soap background info, from their website’s about us page. For more details, for you to know about and for me to do my best into creating this type of design. Shown below:
“Maintaining a balance between economic success, protection of the environment, and social responsibility has been fundamental to our corporate culture for decades.” “Dial is confident that our products will leave your skin feeling healthy.”-
Aside from that i can basically try to redesign it, as an upgrade, in the best way that i can.