Monthly Archives: October 2021

Joseph A- my packaging design target audience project 2, step 4 just in case

My target audience choice will be for environmentalists. Environmentalists are people who care for the environment. As everybody, including myself should know. They love caring about well..everything surrounding us humans. That’s their personality and style, and what they care about the most. The age range should be 18 to 39 year olds. Another part which contributes to the characteristics of an environmentalist is being agreeable and conscientious. They are agreeable in terms of like finding people’s statements valid and factual. Conscientious people like these types of individuals just do what is right and smart. They are also honest and humble. That means they will tell the truth when they need to. Followed by them being submissive and not arguing to anyone else working with them and their outside habitat. They wouldn’t even disrespect their territory like that. As far as i know.

For example: this fake person’s name is brian, he’s an environmentalist. He is 22 years old. He’s skinny, 6″3. He works at a company called Global care, monday to friday every week. When he’s not working, he plays baseball, football, basketball and hockey. Most of the time he’s good at each of those sports. Sometimes he’s not too great and a because of the job he works out. He’s agreeable and pretty respectful every time when he’s with his parents and 3 siblings. AKA well..his family. He’s even conscientious about his environment because he loves hiking. He still does it. Brian has loved to hike ever since he was a little kid. His personality is kind, caring. His favorite place to have a vacation is in Minnesota. He loves wearing clothes from old navy, hot topic, sears and some other stores like that. He also loves getting clothes, that are designed based on nature.

Joseph A- my thumbnail sketch image and my target audience choice for project 2- step 2

my thumbnail sketches pictured above.

My target audience choice will be for environmentalists. Environmentalists are people who care for the environment. As everybody, including myself should know. They love caring about well..everything surrounding us humans. That’s their personality and style, and what they care about the most. The age range should be 18 to 39 year olds. Another part which contributes to the characteristics of an environmentalist is being agreeable and conscientious. They are agreeable in terms of like finding people’s statements valid and factual. Conscientious people like these types of individuals just do what is right and smart. They are also honest and humble. That means they will tell the truth when they need to. Followed by them being submissive and not arguing to anyone else working with them and their outside habitat. They wouldn’t even disrespect their territory like that. As far as i know.

For example: this fake person’s name is brian, he’s an environmentalist. He is 22 years old. He’s skinny, 6″3. He works at a company called Global care, monday to friday every week. When he’s not working, he plays baseball, football, basketball and hockey. Most of the time he’s good at each of those sports. Sometimes he’s not too great and a because of the job he works out. He’s agreeable and pretty respectful every time when he’s with his parents and 3 siblings. AKA well..his family. He’s even conscientious about his environment because he loves hiking. He still does it. Brian has loved to hike ever since he was a little kid. His personality is kind, caring. His favorite place to have a vacation is in Minnesota. He loves wearing clothes from old navy, hot topic, sears and some other stores like that. He also loves getting clothes, that are designed based on nature.

Joseph A- project 2- tea box shelf impact with picture

The shelf impact shown here in this image
The 2nd shelf impact image shown here

So basically, the shelf impact i’d say was good. There were definitely some other tea products. With it and surrounding it. As shown on the two photos. But all i gotta say is that, it’s still pretty good. Based on my belief about it. I can’t think of anything that doesn’t work right here. It seems to me that everything is where it needs to be. In that way its just straight up organized. 


  • 1 Small 20pack tea box. Any brand, any flavor. (Around $3).
  • 1 Tea bag of same brand and flavor of box chosen.
  • 1 Bristol board 14x17in or larger.
  • 1 Black pencil.
  • Eraser.
  • Scissors.
  • Triangle and ruler.
  • Double sided tape.
  • X-acto knife or utility knife and blades.

It will be a hands on lass to construct a prototype. Make sure you have space to work during the class.


This is a sample of small 20 pack tea box and bag

Define & Research: Tabasco Brand Hot Sauce (Andre Jones)

Tabasco Brand hot sauce was first created by Edmund McIlhenny in 1868 on Avery Island, Louisiana. The company is still family owned and though it has gone through very modest packaging changes, it has not deviated from the packaging it has enjoyed since 1927.

The brand can be seen in many restaurants all over the country, as well as in many parts of the world.


The typography is simple and the hierarchy is is easy to navigate

Photography, etc.

No photography. Design is exclusively type, no graphics (red, white, & green is the color palette). Since the bottle is ubiquitous, no extraneous design choices needed to be made. The label is low gloss.

Shelf Impact

In this particular store, the bottle was found on the shelf closest to the floor, which I thought was counterproductive (it was extremely missable).

Target Audience

Anyone who likes mid-level to higher end quality hot sauce (the bottle pictured is 12oz.). The audience who will buy this is the audience who always has purchased it – 40+. However, due to the ubiquitous nature of the product, consumption is also handed down through generations. It is these new generations that we will market to. We will re-boot Tabasco to make it relevant amongst a fresh, new, younger class of consumer (16 – 49).


The packaging is bright orange (secondary), and the primary packaging is a see through bottle with sparse design and a proprietary octagonal red cap. Very easy to spot


American producers often fall into the trap of putting so much energy marketing to Anglo Americans that they forget that America is packed (and flanked by) many other cultures and often leave them out of the marketing process. The packaging idea in mind would instill a sense of inclusivity to underserved cultures, and open up a brand new line of consumers for the product. “Cancel culture” is real. It is in every company’s interest to proactively promote inclusivity in their products as well as mission statements.