Choices for Primary Re-Design – Andre Jones

My final choice for redesign is originally a primary package within a secondary package (for purposes of this assignment, we will only use the primary packaging). Tobasco is an established brand that has not deviated from it’s original design very much since it’s early 1920s design (with the exception of commemorative bottles here and there). My re-design, therefore, will be specific and temporary. Idea is to introduce Tobasco brand into diverse international markets that are often under-represented in advertising and marketing.

1 thought on “Choices for Primary Re-Design – Andre Jones

  1. joseph asimeng

    All of this looks pretty good, because it seems like you put some pretty decent info into this. Pretty good choices too.

    another reason is because it serves as what we need to know for what were looking at within your choices

    Your choices can be for something that you can also take to your future classes if possible and then your future graphic design workplace.


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