Academic Integrity Committee
Anna Matthews – Dental Hygiene (Elected) – 28 votes
Mercer Brugler – Biological Sciences – 7 votes

Delegates at Large to the College Council (Uncontested)*
Henry Africk – Mathematics (elected – 3-year term)
Marco Castillo – Social Science (elected – 3-year term)
Stephanie Boyle – Social Science (elected – 3-year term)
Dennis Bakewicz – Biological Sciences (elected – 3-year term)
Peter Parides – Social Science (elected – 3-year term)
Masato Nakamura – Mechanical Engineering Technology (elected – 3-year term)

Faculty-Student Disciplinary Committee (Uncontested)*
Rosa Abreu-Runkel – Hospitality Management (elected)
Linda Paradiso – Nursing (elected)
Mercer Brugler – Biological Sciences (elected)

University Faculty Senate (Uncontested)*
Kerin Coughlin – Law & Paralegal Studies (elected)

Personnel Appeals Committee – Arts and Sciences

*Vacancies for the above committees remain. An election will be conducted in the fall semester to fill the remaining open seats.

Organization Meeting for the 2017-18 College Council- May 16, 2017

Elections were held at today’s organization meeting of the 2017-2018 College Council.

The following were elected without opposition:

Chair of College Council: Marco Castillo

Vice Chair: Maria Pagano

Secretary: Peter Catapano

Parliamentarian: Peter Parides

Summer Emergency Committee

Shauna Vey

Jill Belli

Neil Katz

Randall Hannum

Peter Catapano

Al Sherman

Peter Parides

Maria Pagano

Connie Mennella

Alberto Martinez

The elections of Chairs for the Standing Committees will be held in the Fall.



Special Election Personnel Appeals Committee, School of the Arts and Sciences.

An email was sent on Thursday, October 6 from the Office of Faculty and Staff Relations announcing a special election for a School of the Arts and Science representative to the Personnel Appeals Committee.  The nomination period opened Friday Oct 7 and runs through Wednesday, October 26.  The election will be held on the week of November 7, 2016.

Any tenured Associate or Full Professor from the School of Arts and Sciences is eligible to serve a two-year term.  The representative does not have to be a member of College Council.  For those who want more information on the exact charge of the committee, consult the Independent Committees tab on this website’s menu.

Anyone in LAS interested in running and serving, please consult the Special Election Memorandum attached to the Oct 7 email for more details on how to file a nomination with OFSR.  (I have also attached a copy to our Project File page. )

A nomination petition form for the required ten signatures was attached as well.  You can directly download a copy of nomination petitions from the OFSR webpage at:

Results of the election will be posted on this site.

Spring 2016 Election Results

Following are the results for the Spring 2016 college-wide elections.  I would like to thank Xiaohai Li, Nathan Vaisman, Holly Carley, and Adrianne Traylor for their work managing and tallying the elections.

Academic Integrity Committee

Lia Dikigoropoulou from Architectural Technology was elected for the 3-year term from Fall 2016 to Spring 2019.

Personnel Appeals Committee – School of Technology and Design

Paul King from Architectural Technology was elected for the 2 year term from Fall 2016 to Spring 2018

Robin Michals from Communication Design was elected for the 1 year term from Fall 2016 to Spring 2017

Personnel Appeals Committee – School of Professional Studies

Avis Smith from Restorative Dentistry was elected for the two-year term from Fall 2016 to Spring 2018

Personnel Appeals Committee – HEO Series

Richard Aronin was elected for the two year from Fall 2016 to Spring 2018

University Faculty Senate

Morris Hounion from the Library was elected for the UFS CUNY Faculty Senator term from Fall 2016 to Spring 2019

Boris Gelman from Physics was elected for the UFS CUNY Faculty Senator term from Fall 2016 to Spring 2019

Delegate at Large to the College Council – Fall 2016 to Spring 2019

Jonathan Natov from Mathematics was elected

Neil Katz from Mathematics was elected

Peter Catapano from Social Science was elected

Ryoya Terao from Entertainment Technology was elected

Maria Pagano from Social Science was elected

Alexander Aptekar from Architectural Technology was elected

Morris Hounion from the Library was elected

Alternate Delegates

Jeanette Espinoza, Law and Paralegal Studies

Daniel Capruso, Social Science

Kerin Coughlin, Law and Paralegal Studies

Special Election Notice

Nominations for positions as College Council Delegates at Large can be submitted in Namm 301, now through November 12.  Nominations for University Faculty Senate can also be submitted through November 10.  For more information, please read the election notices below:

Special Election Notice_UFS Fall 2015 and Special Election Notice_Delegates-at-Large to the College Council Fall 2015

Voting for both elections will take place from November 30 to December 4 in Namm 301.

Organization Meeting Election Results

2015-16, College Council Positions:

Chair: Marco Castillo

Vice-Chair: Jason Montgomery

Secretary: OPEN

Parliamentarian: Peter Catapano

2015-16, Standing Committee Positions:

Budget: OPEN

Buildings and Grounds: Chair:  Jason Montgomery; Sec. Jieron Cheng

Curriculum: Chair:  Randy Hannum; Sec. Rebecca Shapiro

Legislative: Chair, Holly Carley; Sec. OPEN

Personnel: Chair: Peter Catapano; Sec: Maria Pagano

Students: Chair: Ruth Garcia

Technology: Chair, Karen Lundstrem; Sec. Junior Tidal

Summer Emergency Committee 2015:

Peter Catapano

Jason Montgomery

Sue Brandt

Eric Lobel

Hamid Nourazi

Anthony Sena

Albert Sherman

Evan Lespinasse

Election Results from Sept. 30 Council Meeting

The following faculty members have won election to the Common Core Course Review Committee for a two year term:

Shauna Vey, #1: English Composition, Creative Expression, and Individual & Society

Ari Maller, #2; Mathematical and Quantitative Reasoning, Life & Physical Sciences, and Scientific World

Mark Noonan, #3: World Cultures and U.S. Experience in its Diversity

Maria Pagano will serve as an alternate on Subcommittee #1

The three faculty members elected to serve on the Appeals Committee for the Resolution of Student Complaints about Faculty in Academic Settings for a one year term are:

Alan Huffman

Peter Spellane

Mark Noonan

Election: Appeals Committee for the Resolution of Student Complaints about Faculty in Academic Settings

At our first meeting on Tuesday, September 30, College Council will be holding an election for three positions to the Appeals Committee for the Resolution of Student Complaints about Faculty in Academic Settings. Qualifications are as follows:

β€œAny full time, tenured faculty member of rank of associate professor or higher is eligible for nomination. In particular, being a member of college council is not a requirement to serve in this capacity.”

To learn more about the duties of this committee, please see p. 7 of the NYYCT By-Laws,