The New Bernardo

After returning to London from his trip to the reservation, Bernard became a brand new person.  Now that he had brought John and Linda to London with him, Bernard gained a new reputation from the people who once treated him so poorly.

In the beginning of chapter 11, Huxley states “Bernard now found himself, for the first time in his life, treated merely normally, but as a person of outstanding importance.  There was no more talk of the alcohol in his blood-surrogate, no gibes at his personal appearance.  Henry Foster went out of his way to be friendly; Benito Hoover made him a present of six packets of sex- hormone chewing gum; the Assistant Predestinator came out and cadged almost abjectly for an invitation to one of Bernard’s evening parties.  As for the women, Bernard had only to hint at the possibility of an invitation, and he could have whichever of them he liked.” John and Linda had made Bernard popular amongst the castes of the Hatchery and Conditioning Centre.  Before the trip to the reservation, Bernard focused his eyes on Lenina.  He didn’t like the fact that other men treated her like a piece of meat.  But now, Bernard can have any girl in London that he wants because of his success of bringing John and Linda to the London.  Bernard also gained a new reputation with the Controllers, including Mustapha Mond.

The things that Bernard once believed in, he no longer sees important in chapters 10-13. For example, before Bernard traveled to the reservation, he did not believe in the use of Soma to create happiness.  Yes, he took soma occasionally, but within chapters 10-13, you can tell that Bernard has become more accustomed to taking soma.  He takes it for the hell of it now.  Bernard now enjoys the world that he lives in and doesn’t even think to complain about the things he once was concerned with, including conditioning and hypnopedia.  he doesn’t have time for this anymore.  Now all he cares about is showing John off to the people of London. No one pays mind to Linda, John’s mother.  Bernard actually approves of the fact that Linda is given as much soma as she wants, even though this will end in her early death.

Bernard also gave up his friendship with his close friend Helmholtz because he believed that Helmholtz was jealous of his success.  In chapter 11, Bernard boasted to Helmholtz about his new success with women.  He states, “And I had six girls last week; one on Monday, two on Tuesday, two more on Friday, and one on Saturday.  And if I’d have the time or the inclination, there were at least a dozen more who were only too anxious…”  Helmholtz could only shake his head once he heard this.  Bernard accused Helmholtz of being envious and told himself “never would he speak to Helmholtz again.”  Luckily, in the future, Bernard is able to win back Helmoltz’s friendship, but once that happens he is the one who becomes jealous because Helmholtz took liking to John.

But one thing about Bernard that stayed the same was his nasty attitude.   Whenever Helmholtz and John were around each other, they would share conversations that Bernard  commented negatively to.  He replied with his “acts of vengeance” until Helmholtz was fed up and told him not to comment negatively again.


Effects and uses of soma

So in these chapters I feel that the use of soma has really shown itself to be useful in different ways. We find this through characters that we have grown to understand little by little and observe the exact moment and situations that cause them to intake this “feel good” drug.

Taking soma when feeling uncomfortable. A prime example of this is in Lenina’s character. Throughout the book we observe that Lenina has the tendency of feeling very uncomfortable in certain situations or conflicts with other characters. First example is when she took soma after being rejected by John on her roof in chapter 11″Drying her eyes, Lenina walked across the roof to the lift. On her way down to the twenty-seventh floor she pulled out her soma bottle. One gramme she decided, would not be enough; hers had been more than a one-gramme affliction.” (157). We can tell she does not take rejection lightly being that her first reaction to sadness is to take soma. Another example is in chapter 12 (163) when Lenina says “I’d better take a couple of gramme of soma” after the Arch-Community-Songster asks her to join him. We can tell she does not want to go, making her feel uncomfortable and of course she resorts to soma.

Linda is another interesting case in the use of soma. In this case we find that she is using it to sort of forget all that has happened to her in the reservation. Soma-holiday as they call it; a permanent way of drowning her out of the society she once was apart of. Knowingly putting Linda into a state of “eternity” where she would be out of the way and out of sight chapter 11 (143). John and Dr. Shaw ultimately knew that consuming this much soma would eventually kill her, but the “bright-side of this was that yes, the soma would shorten her life in real time but will lengthen it in “immeasurable time” out in eternity.”. I find it very interesting that this was there way of fixing this situation. Having all this advance technology and way of life. They found Linda unable to be “rejuvenated” and they did not feel bad about it. They prefer it this way, why? Maybe she could have corrupted the society with what she knew from the reservation.

We move onto our protagonist Bernard, the one character I thought would never touch soma. He seemed so against it in the first couple of chapters but lately we’ve seen something different. In chapter 12 “Watching them, listening to their talk, he found himself sometimes resentfully wishing that he had never brought them together. He was ashamed of his jealousy and alternately made efforts of will and took soma to keep himself from feeling it.” (166). Observed in this part of the book, Bernard finally uses soma to subside his true feelings on the newly found relationship between Helmholtz and John. He simply cannot accept the fact that they instantly bonded over literature and rhymes, a bond that Bernard thought only he had with John. Bernard knows that the soma does not help his situations, so it leaves me to wonder why he continues to take it. Is it him finally giving into his conditioning? or is he trying to find an accepted way of escape? Many questions arise from Bernard use of soma, but what we do know is that he takes it when is trying to cope with an unrecognizable feeling or urge. Feelings that are normal to us the reader and completely frowned upon in the World’s State.

Lower caste?

Just a question I have regarding the reading. Is the lower caste groups people of color? I read in earlier chapters “The hangars were staffed by a single Bokanovsky group, and the men were twins, identically small, black and hideous” ( Huxley page 69),”the negro had a helicopter accident fell on his head…….. The conditioning knocked all the negro’s conditioning into a cocked hat” ( Huxley page 154-155).

Bernard’s Distraction

I found this weeks reading chapters 10-13 to be really interesting, since things played out completely different than I expected it to turn out. I felt that Bernard gave the director a visit immediately upon his arrival back to the world state, that things would drastically change this society when Bernard expose terrifying Linda and handsome son john to the director in front of many citizens. The only thing that really changed was Bernard himself. After the Director resigned immediately due to embarrassment and shame, Bernard was treated extremely nice by society which wasn’t genuine at all but was looked upon as Bernard’s big break.

I didn’t appreciate how fast Bernard became a true citizen only because the citizens had been fake and welcoming towards him. I’m pretty sure that Bernard is aware that the citizens don’t really like him but they just need him to get closer to john, but since the attention was on himself felt great he would now all of a sudden sleep around with the females. (Pg.145) “And I had six girls last week”…… Why is Bernard boasting about this? It’s out of character since before the trip he couldn’t stand orgy and any other group activity. This leads me to believe that in fact alcohol was given to Bernard by mistake during birth. This would explain his depression and also it was conformed by one of the characters that the rumors about Bernard is really true.

I feel that the society is trying to kill Linda by allowing her to over dose on soma that way they don’t have to see her and see don’t have to see them. “Soma may make you lose a few years in time”(pg.143) how is soma safe if it cuts your life down by years in exchange for just a few hours of happiness ? Is this the reason why citizens die after they reach 60 years old? This pill will most likely lead to johns mothers death later on since right now she is stuck in holiday and hasn’t moved from her bed yet.

Bernard is caught up in all this attention that he isn’t interested in the health of Linda at all, he just wants john around to keep the company and attention of the hateful citizens which to me is crazy. He is completely off task with trying to break society but instead society will soon break him emotionally back to his old gloomy self. “Success went frizzily to Bernard’s head”(pg .145). This scene shows that Bernard’s ego keeps getting larger and irritating towards others,his only true friend Helmholtz couldn’t relate to Bernard any longer because his drastic change in character. Helmholtz challenged authority just like Bernard so had a better connection with each other.

On page 159 Bernard was in for a rude awaking  at his party when john decided not to show himself to the citizens that has pretended to be nice to him. This is where the citizens true characters showed how much hate they have for Bernard. I think that this was good for him to face so he can snap back to reality since all this time he was just used to see John which never happened. I wonder if this experience will give Bernard the will to try to break the world state or just live his life as an outcast “Savage”.

Brave New World (Chapters 6-9)

In my opinion these chapters were way more interesting then the previous ones.Throughout them there is a lot of action, but it is straightforward, which makes the book more enjoyable. There are few important characters in these chapters. Bernard, Lenina, John and Linda (John’s mother). They all meet at New Mexican Reservation, where most of the action takes place.

In chapter 6 we can find out a lot about difference between Bernard and Lenina, when they go out on a date. He wanted to spent time walking and talking, in a place away from others. She didn’t like that idea, because for her it was incomprehensible, and “… that seemed a very odd way of spending an afternoon” (Huxley 89).  This shows the difference between the way both of them think. Bernard in my opinion seems to think in a similar way to us, while Lenina is living her “proper” life.
There is one more important situation that takes place in this chapter. Bernard talks to a Director, about traveling to Mexico, and Director tells a story that happen about twenty-five years ago, when he was at similar age as Bernard, and went to same place. He went with a women, which got lost.

As we read in the next chapters, we can find another conflict of the book, when Bernard and Linda meet a white man, and he explains that his mother ,Linda wasn’t from the reservation. This leads us to a story that Director told Bernard. She is the woman that got lost, and we can find that out by these words “Having young ones like an animal … If it hadn’t been for you, I might have gone to the Inspector, I might have got away. But not with a baby. That would have been too shameful” (Huxley 119). For me this proofs, that she is the woman, that went on a trip with Director twenty-five years ago. In addition, she were acting like a person from World State, because she was sleeping with other man.
In chapter 9, Bernard wants John and Linda to come back to London.  It seems like no one ever knew that Director might have a son (John). This seems like some sort of a payback to Director, by Bernard for telling that he might be moved to Iceland.

In  the beginning I didn’t like the book, but these chapters made it more interesting. Finally these chapters were less confusing for me then the previous ones, and now I am already waiting to find out what Bernard is planning towards Director.

Brave New World 6-9

I am not sure how off i can be in my comparison. But i was thinking that Huxley name Bernard Marx with a purpose to kind of relate to the famous philosopher Karl Max, who was a big sociolist. Karl Max’s theory of class struggle, is similar to the classes they have in this society. Where some are less than others, they work more and get less. Then they have the superior class like the Betas and Alphas. Who even look better. In this society you are pretty much marked by the class you are chosen to be in. The famous Karl Marx always struggles in accepting this way of society lived around him. Just how Bernard lives, some what frustrated in his society and the way everything is handled.

The moment John and Bernard met in the story is probably the climax of the book. Because all this time Bernard has felt lost in this society. Feeling like he has no control. He feels like everyone is so brainwashed in the way things are designed in World State, that no one will ever see what he see’s and he will always be the outcast. But once he meets John everything changes because now he had something against the Director so he is not sent to iceland. This is probably when there is going to be more of a downhill of events occurring. Now things will be more in conflict since a member of the society had the experience of being a mother, and has probably experienced emotions and attachment, which are all things World State has tried to get rid of. The idea of having not real emotions towards each other or attachments has allowed them to prevent many conflicts, and have more control of there society.  John and Bernard have similar problems. They have many things in common ,but the main thing is that neither one fits in where they live. John is seen as an outcast in the reservation because of his mother promiscuous behaviors and her natural  way of being.SInce she really isn’t from their she is use to World State ideology of life.   Bernard is seen as an outcast because of his looks, and also because he is somewhat a rebellious.

The fact that Huxley Allows us to view both side World State and the reservation. We can see that the ideals ways of life are really created by how your are raised to be. The people from the reservation will always see John and his mother as outsiders. Her ideals of life are frown upon. Especially the idea of her sleeping with so many different men in the reservation. While in World State this is considered normal. When things like these are presented the idea of utopia being accomplished is to proved to be impossible. Not everyone agrees with the way World State runs their society. Since being a mother in this society was frown upon and now Linda is going to be a big conflict in her society. She is going to be a reason why many others might start to have questions.

Brave New World Chapters 6-9 Reading Response #4

It was kind of difficult for me to read these three chapters. It had a lot going on. To me it didn’t really seem to stay on topic with what the author wanted the reader to get from it. Hence making It difficult for me to understand. Nevertheless, whatever I did understand, I  did enjoy.

The more I read this story, the more it reminds me of the short story The Machine Stops. The character in Brave New World Bernard Marx, reminds me so much of Kuno from The Machine Stops. To me they both have similar mind sets. They both feel as though they are different. They believe that the world that they live in isn’t right. They wish to have their own thoughts and feelings about things, and not be like everyone else. They want to follow their heart and do what they feel is right, not what they are told or “conditioned” to think.

In chapter 6 (part one) the author reveals that Bernard has some internal conflict with himself. He struggles with what he wants to do, and what his society thinks of him. Everyone knows that he isn’t like everyone else. In the beginning of the chapter the character Lenina described him as odd. Her friend Franny explanation for Bernard being different was “alcohol in his blood-surrogate” (pg.88).   There’s certain things that people like doing, but Bernard rather do something else. For example, he would rather sit alone with Lenina all night to talk, instead of playing electro-magnetic golf.  “It makes me feel as though I were more me, if you see what I mean. More on my own, not so completely part of something else. Not just a cell in the social body” (pg.90). This quote means to me that Bernard wants to have his own thoughts and opinions. He wants to do what he thinks is fun, not what someone of higher authority tells him what’s fun. He wants to be his own individual, not slump together with others. “But wouldn’t you like to be free to be happy in some other way Lenina? In your own way, for example; not in everyone else’s way” (pg.90). He wants to do what makes him happy, not what he is told should make him happy. At this point Lenina is in shock at his statement. She states “why don’t you take soma when you have these dreadful ideas of yours. You’d forget all about them. And instead of being miserable, you’d be jolly” (pg.91). At this point Bernard gives in and takes the soma. I think he did it to make her stop complaining and to seem like everyone else.

There are also some similarities among the characters Lenina from Brave New World, and Vashti from The Machine Stops. They both come off to me as people who follow the rules and someone who wouldn’t dare to be different. They both follow societies thoughts on what’s right and wrong (in a sense). Both Lenina and Vashti think that someone having their own idea isn’t normal.

||Brave New World 6-9||

As i continued reading Brave New World. I started to get more interested in it . In these few chapters we got to know a little bit more about Bernard. We also are introduce to John and Linda. In Chapter 6  the author explains to us what Bernard wants and what he is looking for. He try to explain to Lenina that he wants to be his own man, be able to do what he wants and do it on his own. Bernard Says ” More on my own not so completely a part of something else, not just a cell in the social body” Pg 90. Lenina is shocked of Bernard’s wants, and is surprise to hear it because it goes against everything she believes in. She believes that every one should work for everyone else , she feels like every one should follow there role in the caste system. After the little argument Bernard had with Lenina he ends up swallowing 4 tablets of soma he ends up having having sex with Lenina. In which he regrets the next day because he felt as if it was to soon. Later in that chapter We learned a little about the Director ; when Bernard approaches him with the idea of visiting the New Mexican Reservation. He explains that he was just like Bernard , that he had the same idea of wondering how life was out side the world state. So the director tells Bernard about Linda a beta in which he had a moment with and had lost her in the reservation. Also in this Chapter the Director calls out Bernard and tells him that he’s been getting reports of his behavior out of work in which he doesn’t like so he threatens Bernard by telling him he will transfer him to a Sub Centre in Iceland. I like the character Bernard for a bunch of reasons. One in which he’s sort of a little rebel going against the director and doing what he wants. Another is because he has that ambition of wanting freedom. In the Next few Chapters Lenina ends up going with Bernard to the reservation and she’s disgusted by the life style in which they lived in.” But how can people live like this “”These people have never heard of Our Ford” pg 105 Lenina explains that the life style in which the indians live by isn’t civil.The only part that really interested me while reading was when john was introduce , an indian who spoked perfect english and who seemed to be different from the others by his complexion. I got more into the story when john started telling Bernard and Lenina about the story about his mother Linda and how she had came from the World state long ago , with a young man who was his father. As Smart as Bernard is he ends up putting the pieces together and realizes that the director had told his the exact same story so he knew that john was the Director son. Bernard with the thought of being sent to Iceland tells John ” i Wonder if you’d like to come back to london with us” pg 129 . John an indian who always wanted to see the world state was trilled to go but Bernard first would have to get permission.

Brave New World Chapters 6-9

I feel that even though these three chapters were short they shed a lot of light on everything. I’ll start with if you didn’t realize that Bernard was different from the previous chapters then you can really tell now. Bernard is a whole different person compared to other Alphas. We also find out Bernard’s occupation which is an Alpha-Plus Psychologist. We also realize the Lenina is kind of indecisive on whether she should go on this trip with Bernard. She ends up deciding based on the fact that it’ll be a week in the west. The book states “The prospect off lying West again, and for a whole week, was very inviting” (Huxley pg.87). We can also depict how different Bernard and Lenina are from there trip. They both like very different things. Lenina wants to go out where the crowd is and Bernard rather go on a walk with Lenina. Which shows us that Bernard isn’t much like everyone else who would rather go where the crowd goes. Lenina is definitely against Bernard’s thought as she says ” And how can you talk like that about not wanting to be a part of the social body” (Huxley pg.90).

In these chapters we also learn about a new person that the Director knew in the past. He has a talk with Bernard and tells him the story about a Beta-Minus girl that he went on a trip with to the savage reservation and how she got lost. The Director seemed to have an attachment to this girl he says “It upset me very much at the time. More than it ought to have done, I dare say” (Huxley pg.95). Bernard was also threatened by the Director to be moved to Iceland. As he sees Bernard’s behavior going against everything they have been taught. Soon we meet two new characters in the book John and Linda. Bernard and Lenina come across these characters in the savage reservations. John and Linda were different from everyone else in the savage reservations. It says “He had seen, for the first time in his life, the face of a girl whose cheeks were not the color of chocolate or dog skin” (Huxley pg.111). Clearly him and his mom where the only other two people who were this color and that is why they discriminated against him within the reservations as well. The woman Linda clearly did not belong as she says ” Just think of it: me, A beta-having a baby: put yourself in my place” (Huxley pg.113). We can then conclude after reading these chapters that the woman was the same person the Director was telling Bernard about. The woman who got lost on the trip. Now the character John is this woman’s son and she does not understand how she could have possibly had a child because she states that she followed all the drills. If this is her son then the only explanation to being the father of her child is the Director. That’s when I was like wow this story is getting crazy. In the last chapter we see that Bernard goes through all the trouble to bring the two characters back to the World State. He goes through Mustafa Mond to provide him with a pass to bring them back with him. I feel that Bernard will get into worse trouble with the Director after doing this. As he was already threatened with being moved.

Brave New World Chapter 6 – 9

It is clear now that Lenina takes soma to make her feel better when things are going bad at the moment. Almost every time the story talks about soma being taken it is swallowed by Lenina. To prove that there is a part in chapter 7 where her and Bernard was on the mountain in Malpais. She didn’t like the place because it seem so different from things she seen in the World State. In the World State things are perfect and people are old but not as old they are in Malpais. Lenina said this in the text ” We ought not to have come here.” She wanted to leave and probably go back to the World State. I think Lenina was really disgust by how the old indian man was compare to the old people in the World State. After seeing how old the Indian guy was she reached into her pocket for soma but she didn’t have it so I am sure she was even more upset about that. The emphasize on how old the guy Lenina saw was incredibly old. I am sure the poor conditions on this civilization contributed to the way the old guy looked in Lenina eyes because they aren’t as evolved as the World State where they have technology to make people more healthier looking and also a clean environment. Another thing she didn’t like at Malpais was a woman breast feeding her baby. She is not used to seeing that because the World State don’t allow that, humans are produced by machine and it raised without a mother. Lenina don’t know what it is to have a mother or to be one. She probably thinks that seeing this scene is bad for her eyes and is not opened to keep looking so she looks away. Lenina really don’t like this place because she begs Bernard to leave and in the text it says “Lets go away,”she begged. “I don’t like it.” Basically there was a tour guide person showing Bernard and Lenina around the Pueblo of Malpais and as they are being toured around, they see how the people there live compare to the way they normal live in the World State. The true reason Lenina does not like this place Pueblo of Malpais is because it is described as being not civilized, and has dirty conditions. In the text Bernard tells Lenina that the people here at Malpais is not civilized. Bernard said “But these people have never heard of Our Ford, and they aren’t civilized. The proof I have from the text that states that the people at this place Bernard and Lenina visit is dirty says this in the text ” The dirt, to start with, the piles of rubbish, the dust, the dogs, the flies”. The description to me says that the place is dirty like nothing they have seen since they are used to cleanliness in the World State. Right after that quote in the next sentence emphasize how stink it was by the action of Lenina. The text says “Her face wrinkled up into a grimace of disgust. She held her handkerchief to her nose”. This particular part in the story shows you that Lenina did not respond quiet well to the environment condition.


Another part I want to touch on in these chapters i read is that part when Bernard was talking about freedom. He spoke to Lenina about being free. Lenina did not comprehend anything he was saying. Bernand said everyone is happy now adays but would like to be happy in some other way besides what is happiness for him in the World State. He wants to feel a different type of happiness through freedom to do anything he want. Part of Bernand knows that the way he is living in the World State isn’t the way he want to live. He feels happy but not as happy as you think. Here what Bernand said from the story in the book, “what would it be like if i would, if i were free – not enslaved by my conditioning.” That quote from the text to me means that Bernard feels like a slave because he notice that maybe everyone is being controlled by the society he is in and rather be different. Due to the so called accident that fanny which is Lenina friend sat that alcohol got into Bernard blood surrogate so that is the reason for him being different from all the people in the World State that wants to do something not close to the policy they follow. I do srongly believe the accident cause Bernard to explore and act different in the way the Director would not be pleased. Him being free means that he want to try new things besides working in the World State and seeing repetition of activity he is involved in.


I kind of feel like Bernard in this story when it speaks about freedom. I know we have more freedom in our society to do what we want to do but we are still limited to certain things especially because of financial problems or because of the rules and regulation. We still have to do what society wants us to do, for example, we have to go to school or go find a job. There is nothing wrong with both of them but there is certainly more aspect to what society want us to do that I will not talk about. In order for society to be civilized and go on and to grow is that one or more system must be in higher power to control what is right and what is wrong. The government in our world has high power and control things for us to follow and if we don’t follow then their will be consequences. It is not like I want to do bad things so lets get rid of all the rules but there is specific things you have to do in order to receive other things which sometimes are not fair. Just for you to know is that I sometimes feel like Bernard even though my conditioning for where society wants me to act or not do certain things is not bad as him.