9/30 Homework

The place I picked for my project is Brooklyn Technical High School. It is about a mile away from City Tech.To get to Brooklyn Tech, you leave City Tech from the Namm exit and walk to the right until you are in front of Polytechnic Institute of NYU. Walk through the long stretch of the NYU Poly campus until you end up in front of Chase Bank. You should be across the street from the stunning Toren building. Then, walk towards Dekalb avenue until you reach Applebee’s and during this time you will pass the Health Department of New York followed by the Long Island University’s campus. Once you reach Applebee’s, walk east a few streets and you will be at Brooklyn Technical High School.
“She is wrong, of course– when I look up there, I clearly see the gigantic letters spelling out Pan Am, don’t I?” Colson says that even though the building is no longer the Pan Am building, in his New York, it’ll always be Pan Am building. This is very true because to me, this colossus building known as Brooklyn Tech will always be Brooklyn Tech. Even if in the future this building were to become something other than Brooklyn Tech, it will still be Brooklyn Tech because it was here when I first built my New York.

“Our streets are calendars containing who we were and who we will be next.” This quote from City Limits by Colson Whitehead is extremely true. This building is standing proof of who I once was. It contains the memories of who I was during the teenage years of my life and it will always contain memories that will make me nostalgic. I will always be able to look back to this building and see myself. As long as Brooklyn Tech is standing in my version of New York, then the “me” from 13-18 will always be there.
