

No longer living, existing, being used or functioning.

The parachute jump is a defunct amusement ride in Coney Island.

I now understand that the ride is not used anymore but it still works and functions.


Clamoring: Noun

Definition: a loud continuous noise (such as the noise made when many people are talking or shouting).

In the article ” Gotham Farmers Sprout cash Crops” by Adrianne Pasquarelli she says ” consumers are still clamoring to buy them…”


No that I understand this word I know she meant that consumers were still debating to buy them.


Gossamer: Noun

Definition: a very light or delicate material

In the essay ” The Brooklyn Bridge the author uses this word to describe the Brooklyn Bridge. ” The Brooklyn Bridge  is more endearing… like granite and gossamer.”


Now that I know the meaning of this word I understand the author was referring to the bridge as a place that is strong but at the same time very delicate.


Dissonance: Noun

Definition: lack of agreement; especially    :  inconsistency between the beliefs one holds or between one’s actions and one’s beliefs

In the essay “The Brooklyn Bridge” by Philip Lopate, the author stated ” It was this very dissonance of sleek steel and old fashioned granite that annoyed Montgomery Schuyler…”


Now that understand the word I know it meant that this disagreement was the cause that Montgomery Schuyler became annoyed.


Comrade: Noun

Definition: a close friend you have worked with, been in the military with, etc


In the reading ” How To Tell a True War Story ” by Tim O’ Brien,  Rat refers to his friend as a comrade. ” Rat tells her what a great brother she had, how together the guy was, a number one pal and comrade.

Now that I understand the word, I know that Rat ment he was his close friend from the military.



antithesis – the exact opposite of something or someone
– the state of two things that are directly opposite to each other

-the rhetorical contrast of ideas by means of parallel arrangements of words, clauses, or sentences

-the second of two opposing words, clauses, or sentences that are being rhetorically contrasted

Learned about this in Speech today and thought i would interesting to look up this particular word because of the many times it has been used in history.
One example being “Ask not what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country.” – John F. Kennedy



Swarthy – of a dark color, complexion, or cast
alteration of obsolete swarty, from swart
First Known Use: 1587

black, brunet (or brunette), swart, dark

This was used by Professor Davis in class today during the lesson and discussion.
I was familiar with this word and in the context used was also not sure of it’s meaning.