
Part of Speech: Adj.

Definition: Unexpected


Encountered: In the article “City Limits” by Colson Whitehead. “There are unheralded tipping points, a certain number of times that we will unlock the front door of an apartment.”

Understanding: I understand his point with you will never know when is the last time you will do something



Definition: a fear of being in closed or small spaces; an unhappy or uncomfortable feeling caused by being in a situation that limits or restricts you.


In a book of psychology, which I came across, I researched the symptoms and causes of claustrophobia.

I wanted to know more in-depth about how this condition starts, what it limits in a person’s life, who suffers from it and what steps could be taken in order to reduce it.


Part of Speech-Noun

Definition-Someone or something that is getting started in a new activity


Encountering of Word-I read “Federalists and Republicans threatened the very existence of the fledgling american republic”

Understanding-I now understand that the author was using this word to describe how the United States was practically new and these government parties were already threatening its existence.



Definition: a substance that is similar to a gas but that can carry electricity

Plasma is considered by many to be the fifth element because of its similarity to fire, gas and in some cases, water, which is why many didn’t see it as its own individual identity until we run into it more and more and study it in detail in space. Plasma also has the unique ability to conduct and store electricity. Which is why most likely in all Sci-Fi shows they are using plasma instead of a laser due to it dispersing on impact and shocking the victim. Unlike lasers that at this point in time can not do so and also didn’t fire like a bolt.

They should help many people understand the science behind Sci-Fi better.


Part of Speech-Noun

Definition– The act of saying something in a public, official, or definite way


Encountering of Word-Abraham Lincoln set forth the Emancipation Proclamation during the Civil War and i always knew what emancipation meant but never proclamation.

Understanding-Now i understand that this document was Abraham Lincoln publicly emancipating the slaves from the crucial act of slavery.


Part of Speech-Geographical Name

Definition-hypothetical land area believed to have once connected nearly all of the earth’s landmasses together


Encountering of Word-In history class, i heard this word being mention for the first time as i learned that this is where many people believed that history began.

Understanding-I know understand that this was basically an area and time in which all of the continents were once connected into one grand continent.


Part of Speech-Noun

Definition-a genus of the family Equidae that comprises the horses, asses, zebras, and related recent and extinct mammals


Encountering of Word-I was beginning to read a book by the name of “Equus” and i did not know the meaning of this tittle.

Understanding-I know see that this meaning of the word goes hand in hand with what the book is about, which is horses.