incursions: a sudden attack
” protected from alien incursions”
incursions: a sudden attack
” protected from alien incursions”
purists: a person who has very strong ideas
” texting shorthand Annoys purists”
It’s saying that people who don’t use big words a lot annoys others who uses big words.
luminaries : A traditional Mexican Lantern
‘ Attempted and failed by Luminaries…”
trough ; a long low area between waves and hills
‘ No more rough, trough, thought, through…..”
The way it is spelled they are using it in a short word form.
realignment : to change the position or direction
‘ The realignment of spelling with a sound ‘
Changing the position of the way it is spelled.
Parliament: group of people who are responsible for making the laws
‘ A member of Parliament put her object in writing’
One of the members went against the writing about English uses.
Arbiters – a person who is considered to be an authority on what is good
‘ One of the arbiters of the international use of English, seems to be giving round. ‘
It’s saying that a good person was going around and was using English worldwide.
Linguists – a person who speaks several languages
” Texting also according to linguists has 3 characteristics — …..”
It’s saying that people who speak different languages know that their are different ways of talking.
Lexicographical – the making of a dictionary
‘ The vocabulary of text messaging realizes an old lexicographical dream ‘
It means that text messages shows that its an old making of a dictionary.
Minimalist; following a style in literature
‘ Minimalist form of the language that some call irrelevant and many schoolteachers say is an insult to the English language ‘
The sentence is trying to say that they are trying to follow a different form of literature to insult the English language.